Is there a "description" language of UML?


Viewed 132 times


This may be a really silly question, but I did my research and I didn’t find anything in the sense that I was thinking. I’m studying UML in college, and although it’s just dragging the components to form the diagrams, this procedure can be kind of boring (mainly having to organize everything).

There are hardware description languages (such as VHDL and Verilog), in which you describe the circuit to be generated, similar to a programming language. So I was thinking that maybe it would be easier for analysts to create UML diagrams in a similar way...

There’s already something like this for UML?

  • 1

    It would still kind of be the same job you’d have to drag, you’d have to create the code.... What can be most useful in this case, is to know if the tool you use has a button to organize UML automatically


  • 1

    Leila years ago when I was in college I used an online tool that you sent a metadata xml and it would assemble the class diagram for you. I don’t remember well but it wasn’t just the class diagram rode others too. It was pretty cool!

  • Take a look at this post looks like it’s exactly what you want:

3 answers



I’ve used this tool that serves for some types of diagrams and has the advantage that you can share and have plugins for various platforms.

An example:

Code for Class Diagram:

[Order]-[note:Aggregate root{bg:wheat}]


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Code for Use Case:

[Customer]-(Sign In)
[Customer]-(Buy Products)
(Buy Products)>(Browse Products)
(Buy Products)>(Checkout)


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Another one I discovered when I was using this was Umlgraph, but I never used.


Visual Studio Ultimate, Enterprise Architect, Staruml, Argouml, Umodel even Msvisio has functionality to convert code into UML.

Generally there are limitations, both of these and other options, regarding the supported programming language. In practical terms, they work very well if you need a class and sequence diagram, since this notation is very close to the object-oriented source code in conceptual terms.

However, it should be noted that UML has several diagrams that are very useful and are not designed for bottom-top modaling. Its power lies in the capacity of abstraction it offers and therefore in top-bottom modeling.

Use at will, but keep in mind that a good practice of programming is to start with the conceptual model/architecture of the software and not the source code.



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