How to project an image on the big screen?


Viewed 444 times


I’ve looked on the Internet and I can’t find.

How do I project an image onto the screen ?

Example: On the main screen(notebook) show executable(windows Forms), and on the second screen show an image (do not show windows form). It’s like a Powerpoint.

Like that:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Does anyone know what they call it? I can’t find it on the Internet.

1 answer


A projector is just another video output. You can press Win + P to switch between connected video devices. I don’t know if it works on Windows 7 or lower.

Have a form with what you want to show. An image, a text or whatever. This will be the ApresentacaoForm.

Just show this form normally, just adjusting your position, to stay on your second screen.

ApresentacaoForm formulario = new ApresentacaoForm();
Screen[] telas = Screen.AllScreens;
Rectangle bounds = telas[1].Bounds; // pode ser outro índice.
formulario.SetBounds(bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height);
formulario.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;

Documentation of Screen.Allscreens at MSDN.

To avoid having a form for each image, leave a form with the image component and pass it in the ApresentacaoForm the way to this photo, setting it in the component.

If you have difficulties finding the right device, you can filter the vector of Screen for DeviceName.

Screen projetor = Screen.AllScreens.FirstOrDefault(f => f.DeviceName == "Meu projetor");
  • 1

    +1 great answer - ps: I used your suggestion from FirstOrDefault to make it easier to grab the device, rather than iterating :D

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