Get font size in HTML


Viewed 729 times


I need to get the source information that is configured in the HTML tag with Jquery.

I know to get the font-size just use:


p {font-size: 12px;}


var tamanho = $("p").css('font-size');

The question is, how can I get the font size that is set in HTML in this way:

html {font: normal 16px / 25px 'Montserrat';}

I thought of several ways but could not find a solution. It is possible?

Jquery used:

  • 2

    You want to catch "literally": 16px / 25px or wants to take the "compensated"?

  • 2

    So I want to just take the 16px, which is the font size

3 answers


With the overall function getComputedStyle:

var elemento = document.getElementById('elemento'); // ou $('#elemento')[0]
var estilos = window.getComputedStyle(elemento, null);
var tamanho = estilos.getPropertyValue('font-size');

html {font: normal 18px / 25px 'Montserrat';}
<p id="elemento">
sfsadas fasda sdas dasd asdas da d 


Equivalent to bfavaretto, but compatible for older browsers:

function getStyle(elem, prop)
    if (elem.currentStyle) { //IE8
        prop = prop.replace(/-([a-z])/gi, function (value) {
            return value.toLowerCase();
        return elem.currentStyle[prop];
    } else if (window.getComputedStyle) {//Navegadores modernos
        prop = prop.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase();
        return window.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue(prop);

console.log(getStyle(document.getElementById('Teste'), 'font-size'));
console.log(getStyle(document.getElementById('Teste'), 'fontSize'));
html {font: normal 16px / 25px 'Montserrat';}
<p id="Teste">Foo bar</p>


Even using jQuery.css or getStyle there is a very important detail, in different browsers may occur of not returning in pixels (px), can return values like em or pt.

To remove these characters I recommend using .replace with and not use parseInt without checking if the value is null or something else (such as empty), because otherwise it can be a problem, do so:

tamanhoFonte = $(elemento).css('font-size'); //ou getStyle(elemento, 'font-size')
tamanhoFonte = tamanhoFonte.replace(/[a-z]/gi, ""); //Remove letras, mas mantem pontos e numeros
tamanhoFonte = tamanhoFonte ? parseInt(tamanhoFonte) : 0;
  • So William the Wictor passed, it worked, but only a single execution, I attached the example link in the question, can you identify the question?

  • @Wendellmosquinipozzatti I’m looking at

  • I found out, it was problem in my if... I removed and it worked :) Thanks for the help

  • @Wendellmosquinipozzatti giving error: "Jquery is not defined", can not test.

  • Guilherme, funny, I’m using in Chrome, works normally... I’ve been testing in Firefox and it doesn’t work :|

  • In this case, you would have to identify the browser and configure the JS execution according to the browser?

  • This is the last modified version that is working on Chrome.

  • Gulherme, I made some changes and now it seems to be working on Firefox, can you test?

  • 1

    @Wendellmosquinipozzatti edited the reply, see the part I wrote "extra"

  • I understand William, thank you very much for your help. :)

  • @Wendellmosquinipozzatti opa, I’m glad it worked out!

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var tamanho = $("html").css('font-size');

And if you want to remove the "px" to work with the integer:

var tamanho = parseInt(tamanho.replace("px",""));
  • 2

    Yeah, with jQuery really this is the simplest way. Internally, it uses the getComputedStyle.

  • 1

    Wictor, it worked perfectly :)

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