How to pass a vector class vector as a function parameter?


Viewed 1,281 times


The contents of my vector are the data I wish to place in the matrix:

int main()
    vector<int> dados;
    int valores[4];
    string val;
    ifstream arq ("matriz.txt");
        while(! arq.eof())
            getline(arq, val);
            int num;
            stringstream ss(val);
            while(ss >> num)
    // mais codigos aqui

In C++:

void Matrix::IniMatrix(int *vetor)
    for(int i=0; i<getLinha(); i++)
        for(int j=0; j<getColuna(); j++)
            elem[i][j] = vetor[1]; // int **elem (este é o tipo que esta declarado elem)
  • How does the first code relate to the second ? is trying to pass a native vector, int [] or a class vector vector, one vector<int> ?

2 answers


It’s an old question and the answer seems pretty simple, unless I’m missing something...

// void Matrix::IniMatrix(int *vetor)
void Matrix::IniMatrix(vector<int>& vetor)
  for (int i = 0; i < getLinha(); i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < getColuna(); j++)
      if (i < vetor.size()) // verifica se o indice e' valido no vetor
        elem[i][j] = vetor[i]; // int **elem (este é o tipo que esta declarado elem)


The syntax of an array as a parameter in C is:

método(tipo_do_vetor nomedovetor[]){
//comandos aqui


int somadedois(int x[]){
    return (x[0]+x[1]);

In your case, the method would look like this:

void Matrix::IniMatrix(int vetor[])
   for(int i=0; i<getLinha(); i++)
       for(int j=0; j<getColuna(); j++)
           elem[i][j] = vetor[1]; // int **elem (este é o tipo que esta declarado elem)

  • this answer adds nothing, since "int somadedois(int x[])" is the same thing as "int somadedois(int? x)" as is already being used in the question

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