Firebase - Child inside another Child


Viewed 601 times


I wonder how I can put a Child inside another Child in the firebase, for example, create a Child that calls "Company" and inside that Child put other Childs with each headquarters inside, I do not know if I was clear, please help me. PS: I’m using android studio. Thank you in advance.

2 answers


You can use ref.child() on a nonexistent Child and give a ref.push() to create. So just do it:

DatabaseReference empresaRef = ref.child("Empresa");

To access the headquarters:

DatabaseReference sedeRef = empresaRef.child("Sede");

And to create a new one is just:

Empresa empresa = new Empresa();
Sede sede = new Sede();
DatabaseReference empresaRef = 
DatabaseReference sedeRef = empresaRef.child("Sede").push().setValue(sede);

However, it is recommended that you save yourself using a unique ID instead of the name. To generate the ID use:

Empresa empresa = new Empresa();
Sede sede = new Sede();

String empresaID = ref.push().getKey();
DatabaseReference empresaRef = ref.child(empresaID);

String sedeID = empresaRef.push().getKey();
DatabaseReference sedeRef = empresaRef.child(sedeID);



First you have to set the values you need, starting with your root, after root you go through the parent node and the parent you raise your desired child.


Firebase newRef = ref.child("root").child("empresa").child("sede").push();

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