Disable button after click


Viewed 5,883 times


I have a form that sends likes to my database by clicking the button.

<form action="envia_curtir.php" method="post">
   <button class="icones icone-polegares-para-cima" id="botao"></button>

What can I do to disable the button after clicking? Because I don’t want the button to be triggered more than once.

3 answers


Using pure Javascript, you can do it using:

<button onclick="this.disabled = true;">Curtir</button>
  • I’m using pure javascript, but the way you put the button is disabled always and not only after it has been clicked.

  • @Francisvagnerdalight the button will only be disabled after it has been clicked. Hence the event onclick. You want the button to be enabled again after the form has been submitted?

  • So Daniel, but I put code here and the button was disabled even before clicking


There are several ways to do this, but you basically need to capture the click event and use the disabled property.


function desabilitaBotao(){
     document.getElementById("BtnCurtir").disabled = true;

$("#BtnCurtir2").on("click", function(){
  $(this).prop("disabled", true);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<!-- Existem diversas formas de você fazer isso -->
<button onclick="this.disabled = true;">Curtir</button>
<button onclick="desabilitaBotao()" id="BtnCurtir">Curtir</button>
<button id="BtnCurtir2">Curtir</button>

  • Yes Caique, that’s exactly what I need, but you know how to do it without using jquery?

  • I demonstrated 3 examples where only the last one is with Jquery.

  • A yes, sorry to...

  • So @Caiqueromero don’t know what’s going on here, but it’s not working, I don’t know why.... this is my button: <button class="icon-thumbs-to-top" id="button" onclick="disabled disabled = true; } </script> But it doesn’t work... can identify some error?

  • There is an easier way for you to identify the error, press F12 in the browse it open the screen "developer tools" in it there is a tab written console. If your code has an error in Javascript this tab will show you.

  • so... I checked the console... it shows no error at all..... I have also opened and closed the browser, changed browser and did not work. What happens is that the button is already disabled. I also tried using Jquery but did not give... Arg!!

  • face tries to update your question by including more of your code so we can assist you

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Suppose you use Jquery:

<button onclick="dasabilitaBotao(this)">Curtir</button>
    function desabilitaBotao(element){
    $(element).prop('disabled', true)

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