How to load a view into a layout?


Viewed 809 times


I’m trying to carry a view within a layout, follows my controller down below:

class IndexController extends BaseController {
    protected $layout = 'admin.layouts.default';

    public function index()
        $this->layout->$this->layoutcontent =  View::make('admin.index');

But it is returning the following error:

Attempt to assign Property of non-object

2 answers


The Error is in this passage:

$this->layout->$this->layoutcontent =  View::make('admin.index');

The property is content but you have $this->layoutcontent, you should change to :

$this->layout->content = View::make('admin.index');

See also documentation on: Laravel - Controller Layouts (English)


To include sub-views within the layout, it can be this way:


Passing values:

@include('', array('some'=>'data'))

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