Auto insert string text


Viewed 76 times


I have several words and I would like them to be inserted in sequence with an interval of 5 minutes in a form. I’ve done a lot of research, but so far nothing. I hope someone will help me create this automatic javascript. The code cannot be changed:

<form id="procurar-form" method="get" action="Site">
  <input type="text" class="procurar-field" placeholder="Vamos Procurar?" name="q" value="verde"> 
  <button class="procurar-btn" id="button_procurar">Procurar</button>
  • Dmelo, take a look here: is what you’re looking for but with longer time intervals?

  • Thank you very much for the answer, but it’s not what I need. As I said, it’s a lot of words and my code doesn’t have an id for javascript. Time is no problem. If it is possible put the complete javascript code to see if it works.

  • Where are these various words? What do you mean by "inserted in sequence"? Each new word will be added to input without deleting old ones or each word will appear alone for 5 minutes?

  • These are random words. For example: Tin, Glass, Paper, Earth, etc. All words I have in a txt file, but if it is difficult javascript to get txt the words can be in the javascript itself. In sequence means one at a time inserted into the input alone every 5 minutes.

  • In fact Javascript does not have access to the file and must be directly in the code.

2 answers


First, the objects that will be responsible for manipulating the DOM and the word list:

const form = document.getElementById("procurar-form");
const input = form.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
const button = document.getElementById("button_procurar");

const palavras = ["Papel", "Vidro", "Lata", "Terra", "etc"];

Second, we need to write a function that generates a random value, update the word within the field and execute the click of the button (the latter was prompted in the comments). To do so, we do:

function novaPalavra() {
  // Gera um valor aleatório de 0 ao comprimento da lista de palavras:
  const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * palavras.length);

  // Atualiza o valor do campo para a palavra sorteada:
  input.value = palavras[index];

  // Executa o clique do botão:;

This function does what you want, but you have also been asked to run this code every 5 minutes. To do this, we can use the function setInterval, which takes the name of a function and the range it will be executed in milliseconds. For a 5 minute break, we need an interval of 5*60*1000 milliseconds. So:

setInterval(novaPalavra, 5*60*1000);

This way, every 5 minutes the word in the field will be changed to another one randomly and a click on the button will be executed.

See working:

const form = document.getElementById("procurar-form");
const input = form.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
const button = document.getElementById("button_procurar");

const palavras = ["Papel", "Vidro", "Lata", "Terra", "etc"];

function novaPalavra() {
  const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * palavras.length);
  input.value = palavras[index];;

setInterval(novaPalavra, 1000);
<form id="procurar-form" method="get" action="Site">
  <input type="text" class="procurar-field" placeholder="Vamos Procurar?" name="q" value="verde"> 
  <button class="procurar-btn" id="button_procurar">Procurar</button>

Since the click of the button will submit the form, updating the page - or redirecting the user - makes no sense to have a code that runs every 5 minutes, because always in its first execution the same will stop due to the submission of the form. The reply was given in this way by the insistence of the author on the comments.

  • Wow! Thank you so much! After more than a week researching and testing various codes now yes!!! It would be possible to add an automatic click on the button to make it perfect?

  • What would that be click automatic? This will submit the form and was not described in the question. What do you really need to do?

  • The first one worked, but the second one didn’t. I’m sorry I didn’t put this wish because I thought it would be easy for me to do, but so far I haven’t been able to put an auto click on this form.

  • What first? What second? Why you need to run a click automatic? If the click if executed, the form would be submitted by making a GET request to the page Site. Is that what you need? So why change the word on input if it never gets past the first?

  • But it makes no sense to run that click and the form will be submitted and the user will be redirected from page. Why do you have to do this?

  • The destination site has the same code so it can be done several times. I need to do this several times but would like to leave in automatic mode.

  • @Still doesn’t make sense what you’re asking, but I updated the answer.

  • Perfect! Perfect! Perfect! Thanks! Thank you very much!

  • @DMelo

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You can try like this:

var input = document.getElementById("procurar-field");

var palavras = ["Lata", "Vidro", "Papel", "Terra"];

function inserePalavras(index) {
   if (index < palavras.length) {
    input.value = palavras[index];
    var botao = document.getElementById("button_procurar");;
    setTimeout(function() { inserePalavras(index+1); }, 1000); // Para 5 minutos basta mudar o 1000 para 300000

setTimeout(function() { inserePalavras(0); }, 1000); // Para 5 minutos basta mudar o 1000 para 300000
<script src=""></script>
<form id="procurar-form"  method="get" action="javascript:void(0)">
  <input type="text" class="procurar-field" id="procurar-field" placeholder="Vamos Procurar?" name="q" value="verde"> 
  <button class="procurar-btn" id="button_procurar">Procurar</button>

After all words are inserted the code for the execution of the setTimeout not to remain an infinite loop.

As soon as you change the word on input and executed a click automático on the Find button

Note: I changed the action="Site" from the form to action="javascript:void(0)" not to recharge and can show here on stackoverflow when to use and only return the action action="Site"

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