What is the difference between website and web application?


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It is said that they are different. What is the difference between a website and a web application (web application, web application)?

P.S.: It has no Soen

  • 5

    Interestingly Soen was closed as primarily based on opinions

  • 1

    In the end, it’s all the same thing and basically for the same purpose, in "my opinion".

  • In a Venn diagram, will (website(web application))?

2 answers


Website is a content of publicly exposed pages of interaction with the user in general indexed by search engines with institutional content, informative and limited interaction with existing pages and eventually some contact with the server. A pages can be generated dynamically, but should not have great dynamism in use. The user is usually a person.

Web application uses web technologies (HTML, CSS, JS, etc.) to create an interactive application with the user. It is usually done with a login and there’s a complete information system behind it, including a database. Even in more open cases it is common for the web application to allow typical operations of a desktop or mobile application. They are registers, games, processors, etc. In general they have specific tasks what the user should do, possibly often. Often this user is not a person (even if it is a person using).

This is the kind of thing that is not so easy to define what it is, and it is very easy to forget a small detail that misrepresents the thought (read several things before responding and all have a hole in their definition or are very vague)but you usually know what it is when you’re in front of one or the other.

It is not always easy to clearly define what is, for example, right here for those who come and see Q&A is a website. If that person starts interacting, participating in the community, there is using an application. And it is the same software artifact.

I would say that if you do something that should be desktop or mobile, but because of mobility or because only know how to do web preferred to do so, then it is a web application :)

Another criterion may be the question of whether you need to have fully public content (website) or not, whether you need to be indexed (website) or not.

If you access both the web, desktop or mobile, this tends to be an application, sure?

  • You would characterize the google with. as a website or a web application? Of course, Google nowadays is much more complex. I confine myself to the search page.

  • 1

    So it’s complicated to define. Maybe website because of the low interaction, because it gives an information and it’s over.


A website or simply website is a set of WEB pages with diverse information that is intended to practically inform or expose some information. The most common examples are institutional websites, developed specifically for companies.

In the case of WEB applications the situation is very different, a WEB application works as a kind of system, we can even say that these two terms are synonymous. In a WEB application you can perform many more actions than on a normal website. In a WEB application it is possible, for example, to register information in a database and interact with it in many other ways through reports or automated processes. The great focus of a WEB application is to solve a problem using programming for it. Using a WEB application is certainly a great option since it has numerous advantages such as the fact that it is available anywhere at any time.

Source: http://www.scriptcaseblog.com.br/diferenca-site-aplicacao-web/

  • 1

    Reference: http://www.scriptcaseblog.com.br/diferenca-site-aplicacao-web/

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