Search Filter showing only 10 results


Viewed 73 times



I am developing a website in Wordpress, with a template purchased and I am with a difficulty that, I believe be a doubt on Wordpress and not on the theme. The Website shows several establishments and, when I do a search, should show me all the establishments, but in this case shows me only 10 and, if I want to see more, I need to press the button LOAD MORE ESTABLISHMENTS, something I would not like to do and, as it shows 4 establishments at a time, ends up breaking the layout, always getting 2 empty seats in the third row (As shown in the pictures below).

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I would like to show all establishments, I believe I need to show for wordpress I want to bring all, ie, a posts_per_page = -1, but the way that shows the establishments is via shortcode, follows below:

    global $wp_query;                
    $shortcode = '[jobs show_tags="true" orderby="rand"]';
    echo do_shortcode(  $shortcode );

In the shortcode I tried to insert posts_per_page but it was not possible, it still seems that there is a selection somewhere else, but in the same code it was possible to change the orderby.

I wonder if there is something else I can do so that in the shortcode or otherwise, can show all establishments without the need to show a fixed number.

Follow the link to the page I’m talking about:

Thanks in advance.

  • You use some WP plugin to display these posts ?

  • 1

    Hello Llima, no, all via code, but I just found the solution, there was a field for inserting the total of posts to be inserted at once and it worked. Thank you very much.

1 answer


Can be changed in Settings>Reading. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Thanks Daniel, that’s exactly it but by setting the custom post type.

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