Query Logical Hibernate


Viewed 40 times


public boolean minimoUmSuperUsuario(Usuario usuario, Session sessionExterna) throws HibernateException {
    Criteria crit = sessionExterna.createCriteria(Usuario.class);

    return (Long) crit.uniqueResult() > 0;

I need to do the following task:

select * from usuario where superusuario and usuarioativo = true

Make this select on Hibernate in a Boolean method and return:

if quantide de super usuario e ativo == 1 retornar true 
else false.

I don’t know how to implement this in the above method.

  • I believe in your query you need to put like this: select * from usuario where superusuario = true and usuarioativo = true

1 answer


If you want to use Hibernate Criteria:

public boolean minimoUmSuperUsuario(Usuario usuario, Session sessionExterna) throws HibernateException {
  Criteria crit = sessionExterna.createCriteria(Usuario.class);

  return (Long) crit.uniqueResult() > 0;

For more details see Hibernate_user_guide.

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