I have a script in node.js
who catches the json
from a website that comes in this format:
I want to quote the numbers and leave it like this:
How do I do that?
const saPrices = `https://api.csgofast.com/sih/all`
Trade.prototype.getSteamapis = function getSteamapis(callback) {
request(saPrices, (error, response, body) => {
if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {
const items = JSON.parse(body)
return callback(null, items)
const statusCode = (response) ? response.statusCode || false : false
return callback({ error, statusCode })
Hello Luciandro, Welcome to Stackovervflow pt. Try to increase your question more with a piece of code, to help the community better understand your question
– Um Programador
You really need to change those numbers to strings?
– Sergio
All values of this object are numbers? or are there other values of text, arrays, etc?
– Sergio