With merging several txt files into one


Viewed 1,515 times


I have 60 txt files all with the same number of columns. The files have no header (column name).

How can I join them all in one file just below each other in R.

  • You can do it by adapting a little what is here: https://answall.com/a/48821/6036

  • You can also use this @Athospd https://github.com/Athospd/forkliftrpackage

1 answer


The code below should be adapted to your specific needs, but it should give a good starting point. Heed: R must be configured for the directory in which the . txt files are located:

lista    <- list.files(pattern="txt")
arquivos <- lapply(lista, function(x) read.table(x, header=FALSE, sep=" ")) 
dados    <- do.call("rbind", arquivos) 

Let’s break him in pieces:

  • list.files returns all files from the directory according to a pattern. In this case, all that have txt in the title

  • lapply apply the function read.table for each file name present in lista, whereas the files have no header and the column separator is a blank space. In your case, it may be that this separator is a comma, a semicolon or tab marks. Adjust the code according to your needs.

  • do.call apply the function rbind, responsible for joining data frames according to one below the other, in the data that were stored on arquivos

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