I am developing a web system, and this system will be provided to different clients, it turns out that this system should be possible to do some customizations, but should maintain a core that is equal for all.
Customizable areas would be styles like color, effects, sizes, or even new extra pages, and the core would contain the main functions of the system.
These versions of each client’s system will be based on a core version, and when this is updated, I have to be able to update the core of all customers with the minimum possible impact.
Is there any framework, philosophic, concept, or anything that can help me to elaborate this system structure?
Good question. Many variables. Too much unpredictability. I don’t believe in a simple, objective answer to this question. It depends on so much. It should generate a beautiful debate that extends cases, but absolute answer, I do not believe. But there are good people there who will bring material...
– Andre Mesquita