Javascript - How to make the date attribute of a li belong to another li


Viewed 110 times


I have the following html:

<p class="question"><span class="mark-question">1.</span> Relacione as fabricantes aos seus veículos</p>
<ul class="first-column">
    <li class="ford" data-answer="0,5">Ford</li>
    <li class="fiat" data-answer="2">Fiat</li>
    <li class="renault" data-answer="3">Renault</li>
    <li class="ferrari" data-answer="">Ferrari</li>
    <li class="honda" data-answer="4">Honda</li>
    <li class="chevrolet" data-answer="1">Chevrolet</li>

<ul class="second-column">
    <li class="edge">Edge</li>
    <li class="onix">Ônix</li>
    <li class="palio">Palio</li>
    <li class="sandero">Sandero</li>
    <li class="civic">Civic</li>
    <li class="fusion">Fusion</li>
    <li class="fusquinha">Fusquinha</li>

I wanted to relate these lis through javascript. (Example: Make Honda belong to civic) I’m sorry if the doubt is stupid, but I haven’t been able to find an answer yet

  • what your intention with this?

  • Set the answers of the exercise to then be able to perform a function for when to click the wrong items and another for when to click the right ones. But for that, the lis have to be related

  • did not understand yet, try to clarify more your doubt.

  • I want to define the answers for this little exercise that I’m putting together, and for that, I used the date parameter to be able to relate them to the other table. I wish I could point out to javascript that li "Honda" belongs to li "civic". In the case of the Honda date-swer is 4. I wanted to show for the program that that date-Swer belongs to the civic li. I clarified a little?

  • It’s not clear enough, but from what I understand, you need to have a way to group the <li>s. Where appropriate, the <ul> does this. Place an attribute id in each <ul> (ex: <ul id="marcas-de-carro">) that you will be able to catch all the <li>s by <ul> father.

  • So I don’t need the date parameter?

  • By clicking on an item of the first <ul> what should happen ?

  • Nothing, only something should happen after he clicks on the first <ul> and then on the second.

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3 answers


You will need to know in advance who belongs to whom in order to relate. Example:

let marcas = [{
    marca: ' ford',
    modelo: 'Edge'
  }, {
    marca: ' ford',
    modelo: 'Fusion'
  }, {
    marca: ' fiat',
    modelo: 'Palio'
  }, {
    marca: ' renault',
    modelo: 'Sandero'
  }, {
    marca: ' ferrari',
    modelo: 'ferrari'
  }, {
    marca: ' honda',
    modelo: 'Civic'
    marca: ' chevrolet',
    modelo: 'Ônix'
  }, {
    marca: ' vw',
    modelo: 'Fusquinha'

let carros = document.querySelectorAll('.second-column li');

// percorrendo cada elemento li
carros.forEach((carro) => {
  // filtra qual marca possui o modelo da li que está em foco
  // quando encontrar adiciona uma nova classe na li
  // com o nome da marca
  marcas.filter(i => i.modelo == carro.innerHTML).forEach(selecionado => carro.className += selecionado.marca )
<p class="question"><span class="mark-question">1.</span> Relacione as fabricantes aos seus veículos</p>
<ul class="first-column">
  <li class="ford" data-answer="0,5">Ford</li>
  <li class="fiat" data-answer="2">Fiat</li>
  <li class="renault" data-answer="3">Renault</li>
  <li class="ferrari" data-answer="">Ferrari</li>
  <li class="honda" data-answer="4">Honda</li>
  <li class="chevrolet" data-answer="1">Chevrolet</li>

<ul class="second-column">
  <li class="edge">Edge</li>
  <li class="onix">Ônix</li>
  <li class="palio">Palio</li>
  <li class="sandero">Sandero</li>
  <li class="civic">Civic</li>
  <li class="fusion">Fusion</li>
  <li class="fusquinha">Fusquinha</li>

I added the same brand class to the model.

  • I understood the program until the line "Let cars = Document...". It could explain me better what the last lines of the program do exactly??

  • Edited @Pedrolucasflor, see if it’s clearer pf.

  • Fight bro, it was much clearer yes!!

  • Your code got interesting, I just didn’t like the repetition of the brands. I should do something like ford:fusion,edge; volks:fusca,gol... then with the selected brand the script would check the models assigned to the brand.

  • I actually thought about doing it this way @Davidsamm, but to filter I left it separate.


Here is an example of checking the response by searching for the value with comparison via regular expression due to the fact that it may contain several responses:

// Monta o Select para checar a relação
var $select = document.createElement('select');
var $firstLis = document.querySelectorAll('.first-column li');

for(var i=0; i<$firstLis.length; i++) {
  var $option = document.createElement('option');
  $option.innerHTML = $firstLis[i].innerHTML;
  $option.setAttribute('value', $firstLis[i].getAttribute('data-answer'));

var $secondLis = document.querySelectorAll('.second-column li');
for(var i=0; i<$secondLis.length; i++) {

// Verifica as respostas
addListener(document.getElementById('check-answer'), 'click', function() {
  var $lis = document.querySelectorAll('.second-column li');
  for(var i=0; i<$lis.length; i++) {
    var validator = 'Incorreto';
    if(new RegExp("," + i + ",").test(',' + $lis[i].querySelector('select').value + ',')) {
      validator = 'Correto';
    $lis[i].querySelector('span').innerHTML = validator;

// Helper function addListener
function addListener(element, eventName, handler) {
  if (element.addEventListener) {
    element.addEventListener(eventName, handler, false);
  else if (element.attachEvent) {
    element.attachEvent('on' + eventName, handler);
  else {
    element['on' + eventName] = handler;
<p class="question"><span class="mark-question">1.</span> Relacione as fabricantes aos seus veículos</p>
<ul class="first-column">
    <li class="ford" data-answer="0,5">Ford</li>
    <li class="fiat" data-answer="2">Fiat</li>
    <li class="renault" data-answer="3">Renault</li>
    <li class="ferrari" data-answer="">Ferrari</li>
    <li class="honda" data-answer="4">Honda</li>
    <li class="chevrolet" data-answer="1">Chevrolet</li>

<ul class="second-column">
    <li class="edge">Edge: </li>
    <li class="onix">Ônix: </li>
    <li class="palio">Palio: </li>
    <li class="sandero">Sandero: </li>
    <li class="civic">Civic: </li>
    <li class="fusion">Fusion: </li>
    <li class="fusquinha">Fusquinha: </li>

<button id="check-answer">Verificar Resposta</button>

  • This answer would be perfect if it were in pure javascript :(. I’m sure the program would be much bigger, but I’m starting and I still don’t have much knowledge in jquery. But what I’m trying to do is something very similar to what you did

  • @Pedrolucasflor Switched to pure Javascript ;)

  • He improved too much, he removed my initial doubt, but I just didn’t understand the function of these lines "(var i=0; i<$lis.length; i++)"; What this does in the function?

  • @Pedrolucasflor These lines loop to perform the actions for each element, in this case, for each LI tag.

  • Aaah yes, thank you very much bro!


You want to put one list inside another, like the example:



        <li> Novo </li>
        	<li> 2017 </li>
                <li> 2018 </li>
                	<li> Versão SP </li>
        <li> Way </li>
    	<li> Cerato </li>
        <li> Soul </li>


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