I have this cursor and the Where 'between' gives error. I wanted to select the years 2005 to 2008


Viewed 69 times


DECLARE @Year int
Select distinct Year(OrderDate) as Year
From Sales.SalesOrderHeader
Order by Year(OrderDate)

OPEN db_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @Year

--INSERT INTO xxxxx ("Year", "Month", "Total", "RunningTotal")
SELECT a.Year, a.Month, Sum(a.TotalDue) as Total, Sum(a.RunningTotal) as RunningTotal
From (
    select Year = Year(convert(int,OrderDate,111)),
        case Month(convert(int,OrderDate,111))
            when 1 then 'Janeiro'
            when 2 then 'Fevereiro'
            when 3 then 'Março'
            when 4 then 'Abril'
            when 5 then 'Maio'
            when 6 then 'Junho'
            when 7 then 'Julho'
            when 8 then 'Agosto'
            when 9 then 'Setembro'
            when 10 then 'Outubro'
            when 11 then 'Novembro'
            when 12 then 'Dezembro'
        else 'unknown'
        end as "Month1",
        Month = Month(convert(int,OrderDate,111)),
        TotalDue = convert(money,TotalDue,1),
        RunningTotal = convert(money,
            (SELECT sum(convert(money, TotalDue,1))
             FROM   Sales.SalesOrderHeader as Header
             WHERE  SalesOrderID <= soh.SalesOrderID
                AND year(OrderDate) '2005' between '2008'
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
    WHERE year(OrderDate) '2005' between '2008'
) a
group by a.Year, a.Month
order by 1, 2;

FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @Year

CLOSE db_cursor
DEALLOCATE db_cursor

--End Cursor
  • 2

    Remove the distinct from the beginning of the query, I just made a question about Group by e Distinct together and I believe there is no use where the two are needed. I cannot understand why the CONVERTwithin the function YEAR, the same for the Function MONTH(Couldn’t put the date directly inside the function?) They are simple things, but they help in the performance.

  • solved your problem?

3 answers


The syntax is wrong...

has to be

WHERE year(OrderDate) between '2005' and '2008'
  • query does not execute. Any idea?

  • some mistake happens ?

  • it took 8 minutes to execute but it’s fine

  • right, about the time it takes, check the indexes and if it really is necessary to use all these functions, surely you can improve the performance


You have two syntax error that I could see right away, the first is the use of BETWEEN

AND year(OrderDate) '2005' between '2008'

The correct syntax is

WHERE col BETWEEN value1 AND value2

And your other mistake and compare the return of your YEAR with a varchar, the year returns an int so compare with an int.

The Correct would be

WHERE year(OrderDate) between 2005 and 2008

Some things in your query are unnecessary like Month(convert(int,getdate(),111)) there is no need here to use the Convert when you can use the Month to return the month see the select below return the same result.

select Month(convert(int,getdate(),111)), Month(getdate())

Same goes for Year.

I don’t know what the idea of using CURSOR ?? you made it and didn’t use it for anything...

DECLARE @Year int
Select distinct Year(OrderDate) as Year
From Sales.SalesOrderHeader
Order by Year(OrderDate)

OPEN db_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @Year

If your goal is to make an Insert with the return data based on a range of YEARS (2005 - 2008) use a lool for and avoid making a select without need.

DECLARE @ano INT = 2005;

WHILE @ano < 2009
   {-- todo}
   SET @ano = @ano + 1;

Use the variable you incremented in your loop to select

AND year(OrderDate) = @ano;

in place of his AND year(OrderDate) '2005' between '2008'

and finally if you are only going to do the Insert in this interval even then use only the between and remove from inside your CURSOR it will only duplicate your data the way this.

  • I want to use to round the total and the total runningwith 2 decimes. How to do? I also want to analyze the remaining years


I believe your error is really syntax; use the between as below:

WHERE year(OrderDate) between '2005' and '2008'

NOTE: Notice that the two times you use the between error happens, then corrects at two points.

  • 1

    query runs a long time... Thanks for the repair:)

  • How to place two decimal places in Total and Runningtotal with Cursors?

  • depends on the version of sql that you use. Try to use PARSENAME(CONVERT(VARCHAR,CAST(1112 AS MONEY),1),2), if it doesn’t work out, look for one compatible with your

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