How to change anchor links URL?


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How to change that "#" sign of the anchored links?

I am creating a slide menu in CSS and it is horrible this sign in the browser bar. Is there a workable solution? I read about the jQuery Address, but I confess I didn’t understand "bulhufas".

I’m using CSS to change the margin-left and make the div in question appear:

    margin-left: 0%;
    background-color: #9887F8;


2 answers


To change the href of an element you can do like this:

elemento.href = '';

You can also use the .setAttribute changes in HTML directly:

elemento.setAttribute('href', '');

are different ways, with some differences.

With jQuery you can do with .attr() or .prop() following the same logic:

$("a").attr("href", "http://www.outra.coisa/");

If what you want is to avoid having the symbol in the URL #, can use href="javascript:void(0)". If you don’t have it like that at first, you can use:

$("a").attr("href", "javascript:void(0)"); // talvez queira ser mais específco e usar $("#meuSlideShow a")...

Use # is an old and very useful trick. That # go to the URL can be avoided with the .preventDefault() also. But it seems to me that is the wrong tool if what you want is just not to show the #.

But for this feature does not need an anchor, can work as well or better with another element like <li>, <fiv> or even <button>...

Now seeing your HTML and CSS, here is a new solution, with jQuery:

var elementosMenu = $('.slide_menu .panel');
$('#page a[id^="link-"]').on('click', function(e){
    elementosMenu.css('margin-left', '-102%');
    var targetID = this.getAttribute('href').substr(1);
    document.getElementById(targetID).style.marginLeft = '0%';


  • True, I had completely forgotten the void(0). Perfect!

  • 1

    Guy saved the fatherland Thanks man! Solved in 100%!


There’s no changing this symbol, because if you changed it would no longer be an anchor.

What you can do is prevent the click event from spreading, preventing the browser from performing the default click action. It’s quite simple. Just use the preventDefault() jQuery.



<a class="link" href="#">Clique me</a>


    // Aqui entra o resto do seu código referente ao que quer fazer com o click do usuário
  • The click calls on the screen a div with the id attribute...but shows in the browser bar the id of the div type (#gallery). I’m trying to get around this. I’m taking a look at [link] that says do this...more per hour I haven’t solved it yet :(

  • You can put this code here for me to analyze?

  • jsfiddle [link]

  • Then we have a problem. You can use stopPropagation() like this: However, it will prevent the standard execution of the <a> element, i.e., the animation will not work. You would have to create this animation in JS, not CSS. I don’t think it’s possible to do what you want in this way.

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