Execute document and send variable value in PHP by Ajax


Viewed 323 times


Hello, I have to develop a confirm button for deletion of a product. For this, I had the idea of running a file in php through ajax from the moment I click on "Confirm" in JS confirm, along, passing the value of a variable that will serve to make the sqls.

The problem is that I don’t know how to pass the value of this variable, we examples I found shows how to pass input values by id or values already determined, but nothing like what I need.

PHP with the JS:

  $codprod = $_POST['produtoDelete'];// Esse é o valor que preciso para fazer as sqls

  function excluirConfirm() {
    var txt;
    var r = confirm("Tem certeza que deseja excluir esse produto?");
    if (r == true) {
        //Aqui fica o ajax
            type: 'post',
            url: 'produtoSessionEdit.php',
            dataType: 'json',
            data: {
                codprod: ? //AQUI QUE ESTA MINHA DÚVIDA
            } /* ... */

    }else {
        txt = "You pressed Cancel!";
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = txt;

PHP file with sqls


$codprod = $_POST['produtoDelete'];

//Deleção do produto
$result= $pdo->prepare($select);
$result->bindParam(':codd', $codprod);

echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("Produto excluido!"); </script>';

What can I do to make this go away?

  • From what I understand you want to take this $codprod and send by ajax to the right php page?

  • Exactly. And also "call" the execution of the file, I believe I’m already doing it.

2 answers


First, remove javascript from php tag

  $codprod = $_POST['produtoDelete'];// Esse é o valor que preciso para fazer as sqls ?>

It will then call the delete function on a button or something of the example type

<button onclick="excluirConfirm();">Botao</button>

in the js file you will get the received value in a js variable

  function excluirConfirm() {
    var valorRecebido = <?php echo $codprod; ?>;
    var txt;
    var r = confirm("Tem certeza que deseja excluir esse produto?");
    if (r == true) {
        //Aqui fica o ajax
            type: 'post',
            url: 'produtoSessionEdit.php',
            dataType: 'json',
            data: {
                codprod: valorRecebido //AQUI Você passará o valor e o codprod será o name
            } /* ... */

    }else {
        txt = "You pressed Cancel!";
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = txt;

With this in php you will receive the name given in ajax


 //Aqui coloca o name dentro do post
$codprod = $_POST['codprod'];

//Deleção do produto
$result= $pdo->prepare($select);
$result->bindParam(':codd', $codprod);

echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("Produto excluido!"); </script>';
  • When I do so Anderson the confirm does not appear on the screen.

  • When you do what confirm does not work?

  • When I comment on the 2 lines that were added by you, it appears.

  • You can edit your question with modified code by doing a favor?

  • The code is the way you put it.

  • excluirConfirm(); sorry I forgot the point and comma here, I will edit see if this was it

  • Well, it wasn’t that.

  • brother here is working normal, only the php tag will not work but calls the function usually looks https://codepen.io/anon/pen/LjRJLW, you import javascript all certinho la no header?

  • Because, in this case, still persists my problem of not being able to pass the value of the php variable...

  • @Andersonamorim see if you imported javascript in the header from an Alert inside the javascript function and put the updated code

Show 6 more comments


Your php variable will have to be stored in client, so that in the submission of the form, the value of the name be its name in php, example...

<form name="formEnv" id="env" method="post">

    <input type="hidden" name="produtoDelete" value="<?php echo $_POST['produtoDelete']?>">

    <input type="submit">




        $( "#env" ).submit(function( event ) {

         var r = confirm("Tem certeza que deseja excluir esse produto?");

         if(r == true) {

         var data = $("#env").serialize();

                type : "POST",
                url  : "suaPagina.php",
                data : data,
                dataType: "json",
                success : function(response){
                    if (response == 1) {

          document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = 'sucesso';

                    if (response == 0) {

          document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = 'falha';


           }else{alert('operação cancelada!');}




$codprod = $_POST['produtoDelete'];

//Deleção do produto
$result= $pdo->prepare($select);
$result->bindParam(':codd', $codprod);

if($result){$retorno = 1}else{$retorno = 0};

echo json_encode($result)


if your javascript is embedded in the page, the php variable can be explicit.

  • Your alternative seems cool, as I would to apply it using confirm?

  • good just add it before ajax communication, I will edit the code...

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