I can’t add items to scroolview


Viewed 27 times


I’m using this scroolview but I need to put new items underneath , and when I roll down it doesn’t come down, could you help me? follows xml code : https://pastebin.com/x6aVUjr

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Without seeing the XML code can not help.

  • edited ..

2 answers


In the code snippet below, change the RelativeLayout for LinearLayout, swap the1000sp for wrap_content and add a android:orientation="vertical":


In Cardviews, you can remove these attributes:

  • android:layout_alignParentTop
  • android:layout_below
  • I did it but it didn’t work no


To add more items simply resize the preview window by clicking in the lower right corner and dragging to make room for more items.

  • this way until it worked out , but there is the other way that Voce rolls the mouse down and goes down and Voce adding items

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