Recovering Edittext text in Alertdialog


Viewed 403 times


Good afternoon, I’m having a problem... When clicking on a button appears the alertDialog custom, IE contains an Edittext in it and a button Positive to the conclusion. Only I need to rescue the editText text in order to insert it into my database and I’m not getting it. I put it in the Log nothing appears, so I did a debug, put a breakpoint to see if at least I was rescuing a getText() and when I see it inserts the value as empty " "

I don’t know what to do, could someone give me a hand? I did gettext(). toString and nothing of value....


private AlertDialog.Builder dialogs;
private String tsl;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        golFora = (ImageButton) findViewById(;

        golFora.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                valorDouble.setText("" + contador1);

                Context gol = getApplication();
                CharSequence texto = "Goooll!";
                int tempo = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT;
                Toast apresentar = Toast.makeText(gol, texto, tempo);

View vi = LayoutInflater.from(getApplicationContext()).inflate(R.layout.caixa_jogador_dialog, null);

                teset = (EditText) vi.findViewById(;

                //criado só para o Log
                tsl = teset.getText().toString();

                dialogs = new AlertDialog.Builder(SimplesHome.this);
                dialogs.setPositiveButton("Sim", new 
                DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

                     Log.i("CAMPOS", tsl);

                        Esporte s = new Esporte();




Thank you....

1 answer


Use the Dialog object passed to the method onClick() of the Dialoginterface.Onclicklistener to obtain the reference to Edittext:

dialogs.setPositiveButton("Sim", new 
DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

     Log.i("CAMPOS", tsl);

        EditText caixa_dialog_1 = (EditText) ((Dialog) dialog).findViewById(;
        Esporte s = new Esporte();
  • opa... then the recovered value of editText is being sent as null to the bank...

  • Check the code because it has to work. Check if Edittext is the and who introduced something into it.

  • Sorry, it worked... my problem now, I do not know why it is not going to the database, but Edit id recovery worked... Thank you

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