Unlink/File_exists says the file does not exist, but the file does exist


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I have a problem with PHP, I need a script that deletes a file in a directory, all passed by URL, as in the script I made below:


$file = !isset($_GET["f"])?0:$_GET["f"];
$dir = !isset($_GET["dir"])?"":$_GET["dir"];


if ($file === 0)
    echo 0;

if (file_exists($dir.$file)) 
    echo unlink($dir.$file);
    echo 0;


The problem is in the following, the function file_exists() and unlink(), of which I pass the path by parameter, say that the file I am trying to access does not exist. Using var_dump() I realized that the return is as follows:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

string(30) "C: xampp htdocs aaaa teste.txt"

The file exists in the specified directory, but the functions say no. See: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The file exists, the directory is correct, I’ve tried with (use the character deviation) but the same. Please help me!

Addendum to attempts already made:

  • Exchange file_exists() for is_file()
  • Use clearstatcache() before checking the file
  • Switch to \\

None have yielded results, all have failed.

  • In this case, the exit is 0, due to echo 0 in the else? Have you tried to indicate only the relative path of the archive?

  • Yes, the output 0 is due to echo 0, and the relative path I tried right now didn’t work either. And I’m using PHP 7 as well.

2 answers


I had the same problem these days.

Try to use urldecode() when reading the GET parameters:

$file = !isset($_GET["f"])?0:urldecode($_GET["f"]);
$dir = !isset($_GET["dir"])?"":urldecode($_GET["dir"]);

It may be that bars are being converted to %2F

  • Didn’t work out, buddy :/

  • @Joãoregis What appears on var_dump() of $dir.$file putting the url_decode()?

  • The same previous return, "string(30) "C: xampp htdocs aaaa teste.txt" "

  • Try trading for /


I managed to solve, I was doing tests on my local computer, some kind of lock or permission (I couldn’t identify yet) was preventing the function is_file() or file_exists() to check the file.

I moved the files to the company’s production server, and now it worked, thank you all very much.

I was confused because the folders were with full access permission (from my local computer), but the solution for me was to test on the production server.

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