Jquery does not mount date correctly


Viewed 558 times


I did that and MSG is: Invalid Date. I think it’s because everything has turned into a string. How do I bring only the numerical part on the date? In fact, I say this because I cannot return a date in our format within the jQuery. In the Alert() gives Invalid Date.

var dtCadastro = data.agendamento.DataCadastro.substring(6, data.agendamento.DataCadastro.length - 2);
var dtAgendanmento = data.agendamento.DataAgendamento.substring(6, data.agendamento.DataAgendamento.length - 2);
var dtVisita = data.agendamento.DataVisita.substring(6, data.agendamento.DataVisita.length - 2);

var dt = new Date(dtCadastro);


var dtCadastro = (Date)(data.agendamento.DataCadastro.substring(6, data.agendamento.DataCadastro.length - 2));

This is the cast I did, but the date’s like:

Mon Jun 16 2014 14:24:45 GMT....

I would like just one: 16/06/2014, without the hour part

  • I did a pada cast Date, then I can bring the date, but it comes in a format almost extensive and I would like it to be like this: dd/MM/yyyy only. I will edit the post to show the cast

  • It’s easier for you to format the date in C#. You have the C# code snippet that returns the value so I can help?

2 answers



var x = "/Date(1402369200000)/";
var re = /-?\d+/; 
var m = re.exec(x); 
var d = new Date(parseInt(m[0], 10));

// output: Tue Jun 10 2014 00:00:00 GMT-0300 (Hora oficial do Brasil)


  1. x takes the date in string format (Datetime of C# serialized in json, for example);
  2. re is the regular expression pattern for separating numbers into a group (in this case the group at the position 0 vector m);
  3. m is the vector with the pattern recognition result re (what the regex recognizes);
  4. m[0] is the value, in date epoch;
  5. parseInt converts to integer in base 10;
  6. d is your new date.

In 1 row

var d = new Date(parseInt(/-?\d+/.exec("/Date(1402369200000)/")[0], 10));

To format

  • d.getDate() + "/" + (d.getMonth()+1) + "/" + d.getFullYear() -> "10/6/2014"
  • d.toDateString() -> "Tue Jun 10 2014"
  • d.toLocaleDateString() -> "10/6/2014"

Example with Dataregistration

function getFormattedDate(date){
 var re = /-?\d+/; 
 var m = re.exec(date); 
 var d = new Date(parseInt(m[0], 10));
 return d.getDate() + "/" + (d.getMonth()+1) + "/" + d.getFullYear();

var dCad = getFormattedDate(data.agendamento.DataCadastro);
  • 1

    To format you can use: d.toLocaleDateString(). Will return: '6/10/2014'. To add time, you use: d.toLocaleString(). Or you can format it the way you need it with: d.getDate() + "/" + d.getMonth() + "/" + d.getFullYear()

  • I did so, Maia and formatted. But now the three date fields are coming with the same date all(16/05/2014) and this date does not even exist in my comic book. When I break point the controller and see the date that is coming, there are three different dates and they are the correct dates, but after I pick up jquery via json, here comes this incorrect date and fill in all the dates with this value (incorrect).

  • The best thing would be to send the date already formatted in C# (as Joao Paulo suggested). For cases where the dates are wrong, it may be that some variables are being applied incorrectly. I need to see more code to know what’s going on.

  • See the example with Dataregistration that I put in. Maybe it helps you.

  • 1

    See, as I said in C# it’s okay, the dates are the valid ones that exist in the comic. When serializo and take jquery and do these formatting is zoa everything.

  • Solved Mayan according to his last reply. Thanks

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It is easier for you to format the date in C#.

Example: String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", Variaveldadata);

  • In C# it is correct. The question is in the serelization for json and take jquery. But I solved with the example of the Mayan, creating a function to clean the "dirty date" and then take it in the main function.

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