Docker + Macos : Mount Volume out of root folder or Users


Viewed 288 times


I’m having a problem when it comes time to perform the link mount on the Docker command:

docker run -p 5000:5000 -v "$(pwd)/path:/path conteiner_name

It turns out that the directory is not mounted in the container.

This is due to the directory returned from $(pwd) which is from another partition on my operating system host. However, do the same procedure in the folder /Users in OSX, it does the linking normally. My hard drive is divided into

SSD1 - Instalado o docker (S.O Host), boot2docker, etc
HDD1 - Contém os arquivos do conteiner, DockerFile, etc.

If I give the build to create the container on HDD1 and give the run, it will not fetch the directory through the $(pwd)/path:/path, but if I move the same files to SSD1, it works perfectly.

Is it a permission thing? I read in the Docker documentation that, by default, folders can be shared /Users, /etc, /tmp...

  • which version of Docker you are using I use this on mac (Version 17.03.1-ce-mac12 (17661) Channel: stable d1db12684b), in this version you have the option to add the shared folders in my case I added the folder /Volumes and I can normally use the volumes that are outside the default folders.

  • Hello, I am using version 17.05.0-ce, which command to add the other folders?

1 answer


I configure via interface, as shown below:


  • Which client you’re using for Docker?

  • Version 17.03.1-ce-mac12 (17661) Channel: stable d1db12684b

  • I tried to find this Gui client, to add the folders. Here I did not find. I installed the version of Docker Toolbox.

  • @Rodrigo, you have installed this version: ( )

  • now it worked, actually I was following through the book "Using Docker - Mouat" and there he comments on the Docker Toolbox, comes some more tools for the Docker, as Kitematic. Thank you very much!!

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