Programming in pairs remotely


Viewed 53 times


My partner and I are quite fond of pairing from time to time, usually when we have some complex function. But we live in different cities and sometimes it gets hard to get together to program.

We are currently developing an Android application with the official IDE (Android Studio) configured with Github version control.

Lately we’ve been using screen streaming over Skype to do the programming in pairs. It’s nice, but we wanted something similar to what Google Docs does, that is, simultaneous editions.

Is there any tool or functionality of Android Studio or Git that does this?

2 answers


Microsoft recently announced a real-time collaboration tool: Visual Studio Live Share.

What’s interesting about her:

  • Can be used in Visual Studio or Code
  • Use the Tooling of the machine that shares the session, that is, you will see the contents of the calling machine variables!
  • You see and can edit the code in real time to help someone!

That’s pair Programming in a way never seen!

By the time of this response the tool is in limited preview. You can ask to participate in this link:, click on the button "Sign up for Early access"

If you know someone who has access, you can install the tool in this link and ask that person to call you for a session.


I know two:

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