Random photo with javascript


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I would like each time the user accesses the site, a different image appears. I know how to do with PHP, but in this case I would like to do with javascript. I believe that the Math.(), but I don’t know much javascript. I tried to do it this way, but it didn’t work:

<script type="text/javascript">
   function aleatorio(){
     img[0] = "ciadeli.jpg";
     img[1] = "ninashoes.jpg";
     img[2] = "odonto.jpg";
     var mudar = Math.floor(Math.random()*img.length);
     document.getElementById("aleatorio").innerHTML = "<img src='portifolios/"+img[mudar]+"'>";

<div id="aleatorio" onload="aleatorio()"></div>

2 answers


Its function almost works the way this, the only problem is how it invokes it, the event onload should only be assigned to elements that consume external resources, such as: frames, images, and scripts. A div is not regarded as an external element, it is charged as a part of the body, so the onload does not apply to.

An alternative would be to call the script just below the div, auto-invoke the function:

img {width: 200px;}
<div id="aleatorio"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
  (function() {
    // Necessário declarar a variável img 
    var img = ["http://orig14.deviantart.net/45e6/f/2016/046/c/c/cc2df80f7717e34ef6373cb48f11196a-d9rv8ct.gif", "https://i.giphy.com/JJh1zuwzcJlQs.gif", "https://i.giphy.com/Jd7Y8GCSKKzlK.gif"];
    var mudar = Math.floor(Math.random() * img.length);
    document.getElementById("aleatorio").innerHTML = "<img src='" + img[mudar] + "'>";

  • 1

    Perfect Marceloboni. Thank you!


It is possible to generate using an adapted Fisher-Yates with an array of images:

var imglis = ["http://puu.sh/DpIbK/7c14bc67e1.jpg",

function imagem_aleatoria() {
  var p, n, tmp, destino = document.querySelector('#imgdest');
  var img_len = imglis.length;
  for (p = img_len; p;) {
    n = Math.random() * p-- | 0;
    tmp = imglis[n];
    imglis[n] = imglis[p];
    imglis[p] = tmp;
  destino.src = imglis[0];

Testing: https://jsbin.com/pujivov/edit?html,js,output

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