Sort items with angular


Viewed 1,323 times


I am working on a system that requires data pagination, but before I would like to sort the json I receive in the order of users' names.

JSON is in format:

[["22","Aiolinhos","23","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["20","Aiorinhos","21","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["6","Aldebas","7","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["12","Caminhus","13","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["18","Ditinho","19","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["3","Dohkinho","3","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["8","Kanonzinho","9","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["14","Milinho","15","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["4","Muzinho","4","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["2","Saguinha","2","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["1","Shakinha","1","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["16","Shionzinho","17","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["10","Shurinha","11","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"]]

And the html+angular snippets I created to show this data to the user are:

<div class="container">
  <div class="jumbotron">

    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-xs-12 text-right">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" ng-click="create()">Novo</button>

    <table class="table table-hover">
          <td ng-repeat="header in headers track by $index">{{header}}</td>
          <td ng-if="headers.length">Editar / Remover</td>
      <tr ng-repeat="row in rows | orderBy:order track by $index">
        <td ng-repeat="cell in row track by $index" ng-if="!$first">{{cell}}</td>
        <td ng-if="row.length"><button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" ng-click="edit(row)"></button>
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger glyphicon glyphicon-trash" ng-click="delete(row)"></button></td>

      $scope.headers = [];
      $scope.rows = [[]];
      $scope.modelPath = $routeParams.model;
      $scope.order = 0;
      crudservice.model = {};

        if( == 1){
          var data =;
          $scope.headers = JSON.parse(data.headers);
          $scope.rows = JSON.parse(data.rows);

But it turns out that the table does not show some lines, besides the cells Name, E-mail, Group, Assets and Edit/Remove are in places that should not:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Any assumptions as to why this is happening?

2 answers


All items that are not appearing have the values of the first and third columns equal:

["3","Dohkinho","3","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],
["4","Muzinho","4","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],
["2","Saguinha","2","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],
["1","Shakinha","1","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"]

However your code should be functional, as shown in the following (functional) example:

angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller('myController', function($scope){

$scope.rows = [["22","Aiolinhos","23","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["20","Aiorinhos","21","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["6","Aldebas","7","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["12","Caminhus","13","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["18","Ditinho","19","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["3","Dohkinho","3","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["8","Kanonzinho","9","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["14","Milinho","15","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["4","Muzinho","4","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["2","Saguinha","2","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["1","Shakinha","1","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["16","Shionzinho","17","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"],["10","Shurinha","11","[email protected]","Administradores","SIM"]];

<script src=""></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<div ng-app="myApp">
    <div ng-controller="myController">
        <div class="container">
            <div class="jumbotron">
                <table class="table table-hover">
                    <tr ng-repeat="row in rows | orderBy:order track by $index">
                        <td ng-repeat="cell in row track by $index" ng-if="!$first">{{cell}}</td>
                        <td ng-if="row.length">
                            <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" ng-click="edit(row)"></button>
                            <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger glyphicon glyphicon-trash" ng-click="delete(row)"></button>

My suspicion is that your source is somehow manipulating the array of arrays, creating a map invalid.

  • thanks for answering. So I found the point where I was missing. In my Usuariorestcontroller class where I was manipulating the view data, I was mapping the json header with an extra field, and the view was "expecting" an extra field. I believe that’s what you quoted, a wrong map manipulation.

  • Ah, yes - in a second moment, you can notice this effect in the screenshot you posted. I’m glad you found the problem, @Alessandra!


Solved! the/

I modified my userRestController:

@RequestMapping(value = "/usuario/list", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String listar() {
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    Map<String, String> response = new HashMap<String, String>();

    String[] headers = {"ID" ,"Nome", "Login", "E-mail", "Grupo", "Ativo" };
    List<String> usuario = new ArrayList<String>();
    try {
        this.usuarioList = usuarioService.listarUsuarios(this.pesquisa);
        String[][] usuarios = new String[usuarioList.size()][];
        response.put("status", "1");
        response.put("headers", gson.toJson(headers));
        for (int i = 0; i < usuarioList.size(); i++) {
            usuario = new ArrayList<String>();

            usuarios[i] = usuario.toArray(new String[usuario.size()]);


        response.put("rows", gson.toJson(usuarios));

    } catch (Exception e) {
        response.put("status", "0");
    return gson.toJson(response);

I added the "ID" string to the headers array, so that the view could "match" to what came from the database. Now he’s sorting and doing the data crud. Note: I do not know if this is a good way to solve this problem, but it was the one that best served me at the time.

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