What is the best way to generate tables dynamically in php?


Viewed 768 times


I have an admin and I have serious doubts about how to generate tables in php normally what I do is paste html in a web editor but this solution does not seem to me the best suggestions?

  • How hard is it to write code? If you want to type less, you can use Emmet in your favorite code editor: https://emmet.io/

  • The problem is editing these tables later because you have to redo the html

  • Man, you need more detail. In the comment below you said that the columns change too, now I understand what you meant: you want to pass an object and exit a table formatted according to the fields of this object, right?

  • That exact would like a kind of a template where add a line with a text field something like that and generate a field in the table wanted to know how best to do this.

2 answers


Let’s say I have several tables in my database, each with a different structure. Whereas I have data(lines) in all of them, you can do the following:

$dados; // essa variável tem um array com cada linha da tabela

// vou usar o primeiro resultado para conseguir a lista de colunas.
// Você pode querer alguma coisa mais robusta, tipo passar uma
// lista de campos e usar eles na view;
$colunas = array_keys($dados[0]);
      <?php foreach ($colunas as $coluna): ?>
        <th><?= $coluna ?></th>
      <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php foreach ($dados as $linha): // para cada linha ?>
    <?php foreach ($linha as $key => $value): // para cada campo de cada linha ?>
      <td><?= $value ?></td>
    <?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
  • Good answer but how would I have to have different tds? Calculate tds for example if you had one with 4 columns and another with 3?

  • What are different tables? Give me a more concrete example in your question (edit it). If your structure is more complex than this, you will need to treat case-by-case, or count columns with each new row, but then it becomes a much more complex work, maybe it is better to use something ready, like a datatable of jQuery: https://datatables.net/manual/ajax

  • I say in the same table if a row has 3 columns and another 4 not to break the table. But it really gets more complex.


This function mounts a table from any select. $sql is the desired select. Ex. function usage:

mostrarTabela("select cd, nome from tabela");

I hope I can be of use to someone.

function mostrarTabela($sql){
//Mostra uma tabela com o resultado da select automaticamente
  global $banco; //conexao com o banco desejado feita fora da funcao. Se quiser pode colocar aqui.
  if (!$idSQLControle=mysql_query($sql,$banco))
   echo "<b>ERRO SQL:</b>" . $sql_Controle;
  if ($nrregSQLControle > 0) {
    $fields_num = mysql_num_fields($idSQLControle);
    echo "<br><b>$sql_Controle</b><br/>";
    echo "<table border='1'><tr>";
    //cabecalho da tabela
    for($i=0; $i<$fields_num; $i++)
        $field = mysql_fetch_field($idSQLControle);
        echo "<td><b>{$field->name}</b></td>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    //dados da tabela
    while($linha = mysql_fetch_row($idSQLControle))
        echo "<tr>";
        foreach($linha as $colunas)
            echo "<td>$colunas</td>";
        echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>";
  } else {
    echo "Registros não encontrados!";

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