High consumption of RAM


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My Visual Studio 2015 when I use to debug a WEB C# MVC project has the following RAM consumption:

Consumo de RAM do Visual Studio 2015

Is this consumption normal? My computer gets very slow when I have to test some modification on a page.

  • 3

    It’s not normal, it’s very low. Be happy! I opened a project to debug and is in 1200MB.

  • If yours is low mine is with anemia, I run with 75MB of RAM kkk

  • In my case what usually crashes any application is the disk reading reaching 100%, so your problem may be some software that is already consuming the disk (I/O) and the MSVC Debugger also consumes what causes this.

  • My VS2019 is stopped, using 500MB RAM. The problem must be the sum of several applications, which results in a high level of usage of RAM, CPU, Disk, etc. Restarting the computer can help ;)

3 answers


That’s it? I’d say it’s a bit small. Visual Studio, since all powerful Ides are memory eaters, there is probably no desktop application that uses as much memory. To use well recommend 16GB of RAM and a good SSD.

In some cases extensions may be causing over-consumption. Resharper is great, but it devours resources if it’s all connected.

Of course, the problem may be something else. The question does not give clear indications that VS is the problem. An antivirus may be impacting everything VS does. This is common. There may be another problem in another component that only appears when the VS is active. If I open a lot of stuff even with VS using little memory you can start doing swap like crazy.

  • Thank you. I will provide another comb of memory.

  • 16GB is too much for most projects. Unless of course it works with several instances of the visual studio open (more than 3). It is common to think that a development machine consumes a lot of resources, but the truth is that it usually does not consume (it consumed a lot of resources yes 30 years ago, but that was because resources were scarcer). Of course if the project is megalomono (google) maybe 16GB are needed

  • Thirty years ago only one software ran at a time, the operating system occupied a few KB and only the compiler was used and the projects were tiny compared to today. The problem isn’t just the VS, it’s all that runs together, if it ran itself in the machine and nothing else wouldn’t need it all, but nobody runs it alone, nor is it possible.


Just to complement @Maniero, you can rest assured, yours is still low. I opened a small project here and put it to run (I’m not thrashing), and it’s past 300 MB

Consumo das aplicação pelo gerenciado de tarefas


Thousands (maybe millions) of developers use Visual Studio every day professionally. Slowness is not a common complaint.

If debugging is slow for you, the most likely causes are:

  • Your machine is obsolete. Unfortunately we don’t always have the physical resources we would like.

  • Your page code is slow. 270 Megabytes of memory consumption, in 2017, is little. Even the browser you use to access Stack Overflow should consume more than that. Slowness is not always a lack of memory - it can also be one or more algorithms needing optimizations. Or it may be that what the page needs to do is something that really takes.

  • Your page accesses a feature for which latency is high. This can happen if you access a database on another machine and ping is high.

  • The computer is busy with other things. See the "Performance"/"Performance" tab of the task manager. If the disk is at 100%, this is the real cause of the slowness. Tip: if in the details tab you find a program "telemetry" from Microsoft, close. In the last two years this has been a headache for many people, because it leaves your disk at 100% for hours.

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