If it works but Else doesn’t


Viewed 263 times


Then, the code below (is complete in https://codepen.io/RaoniSousa/pen/Zpkxbb), the if works but this Else No, what is wrong?

I would like it to work like this one, in the "NAME" input by scrolling the bar (https://codepen.io/freeCodeCamp/pen/YqLyXB). When to fill the input the label appears and rises, when clean the input the label goes down and then disappears. I’m picking up js yet.

I thank anyone who can help.

var z = document.getElementById('name');//input com ID name
var x = document.getElementById('label');//label com ID label

z.addEventListener("keypress", function () {

'use strict';
if (typeof z.value !== "") {
    x.style.opacity = '1';
    x.style.bottom = '4em';
    x.style.color = '#722872';
} else {
    x.style.opacity = '0';
    x.style.bottom = '1.5em';
  • but Else is a condition that only executes when if is false...ie if is true it executes the information of the if block, if not(Else) it executes the Else block

  • @Magichat unless he said he never enters else :P

  • @Marceloboni will only not enter Else if it is true, otherwise you have to enter...

  • So I thought: if there is character in input (if), x.style... otherwise (if empty input is (Else))...

  • 1

    The problem with the first link you sent is that in your if: if (typeof z.value !== "") {..., removes the typeof it’s already all right. And As in the answer below, keyup works better

1 answer


change keypress to keyup and remove typeof example:

var z = document.getElementById('name');//input com ID name
var x = document.getElementById('label');//label com ID label

z.addEventListener("keyup", function () {

'use strict';
if (z.value !== "") {
    x.style.opacity = '1';
    x.style.bottom = '4em';
    x.style.color = '#722872';
} else {
     x.style.opacity = "0";
     x.style.bottom = '1.5em';

function seBlur() {
    'use strict';
    z.addEventListener("blur", function () {
        x.style.color = "#A2A2A2";

function seFocus() {
    'use strict';
    z.addEventListener("focus", function () {
        x.style.color = "#722872";
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