Embed a private video of my Youtube channel on my website


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I would like to embed on my website a video defined as private which is on my youtube channel.

Reading the youtube documentation I believe that’s the DATA API or the API of Player

My goal is to get you to watch the video/livestream only from my site, even "forcing" the user to visit my page, even if it has the video link.

  • With private videos will not be possible, but if you use videos não listados can do without problems. And the video will be "private" in the sense that it cannot be found on Youtube.

  • Yes friend, but this way the guys can inspect element and get the url of the respective channel. But an alternative would be to use in this way and maybe with a flash encapsulate the url. However this would be hardly dynamic.

  • Won’t be this looking for?

  • 5

    Make a premium account on Vimeo and you’re done...

  • @Iagoleão, in this case its only alternative and' create a second Youtube account and access the video through its website by CURL or try another platform like: http://www.vidmeup.com/ or Vimeo premium as mentioned by Brasofilo.

  • I found that stack in the English ONLY that apparently does what you need, however, requires using a Zend Framework component. It is worth trying and, if it works, even though it is not the dieal reinventing the wheel, you can try coding for yourself and reproduce what the component of the framework does because, as you can understand, as long as you log in with an account that you’re allowed to watch the videos, that’s enough.

  • Vimeo Premium is a good solution, however it has livestream support?

  • @Kyllopardiun today no longer give to access youtube with Curl, they have created a check_config embedded in the form page and the name that submits the server validates and ignores what is not valid.

  • Ever thought about putting the video directly on your site, without Youtube or other?

  • @Don’t understand something, because the user can not inspect element and discover the channel? if you don’t want to pay and use youtube it would be easier to create another channel only with unlisted videos.

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2 answers


The solution I found was:

1) Change private video setting to unlisted.

2) Create a flash to encapsulate and hide the Youtube video stream. Flash calls a PHP that brings the video URL if the request is accepted. This serves to if the guy decompile the flash does not know what the URL of the same.

  • Won’t that make life easier for the guy? Now all he has to do is download the swf and run wherever he wants. Right? Edit: Wrong, php takes care of it.

  • I don’t know if this will help much, aTube Catcher has a function that records a video directly from the screen, I mean, just point the part of the screen to record and it does it.

  • And this PHP that brings the video URL? someone would have an example?


You can do the following :

Go to your Video Manager.

Locate the video you want to change and click the Edit button.

In the "Privacy Settings" drop-down menu, select Not listed

Click on Save Changes.

With this it will not be listed on your channel so the person can see the video they will need to use the link when you add the video on your site pass the link to the player that will surely work.

  • As mentioned above, this way the user can inspect element and view. The intention is not this.

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