How do I make sure that when the tag goes through the rfid reader the following information is sent to the mysql database: "Salvador", "Bahia" ?
How do I make sure that when the tag goes through the rfid reader the following information is sent to the mysql database: "Salvador", "Bahia" ?
There are several possible scenarios.
In all cases you will have to learn how to use SQL or some Wrapper.
What would be MCU?
I explain more about the second option. Could it be? with the usb cable on the Arduino I can send an Insert to the bank?
http://www.instructables.com/id/Interface-Arduino-to-MySQL-using-Python/step4/Python-TIEM/ Even if you don’t know English, just take the code and study it. This python code ai does everything you want. Adapt to your need.
Browser other questions tagged mysql c++ arduino access-control
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How far have you been? Can you access the sensor? You already have a database configured?
– Daniel
I’m starting on the subject now and would like to know if it would be possible or if it is too complicated to perform this operation? ja have a bank yes.
– Jon
So, possible is so much they do. You having a connection with the Arduino can get data from it and include in the database without problems
– Daniel
It would be like passing an example of code so that I can base myself?
– Jon
So, just look for examples on American sites like this: http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/DIYRFIDReader . And then fetch the C++ connector for Mysql: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-cpp/en/
– Daniel