Return only the first data from a JSON and JAVA array


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I have a project where I search the database via JSON, to export this data in Excel format. I am adding a new search, however I have a string array, but I cannot bring the database data back to me only the first data of this array.

for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
    JSONObject js = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
    JSONObject js2 = js.getJSONObject("cliente").optJSONObject("enderecoList").getJSONObject("municipio");
    JSONObject jsUnidade = js.getJSONObject("unidade");
    JSONObject jsUnidadePai = jsUnidade.getJSONObject("unidadePai");
    JSONObject jsCliente = js.getJSONObject("cliente");
    JSONObject jsApl = js.getJSONObject("apl");
    JSONObject jsSetor = js.getJSONObject("setor");

I would like it to return me only the first data found in the array getJSONObject("municipio")

It is not written getJSONArray("municipio"), because I cannot give a getString to show the value returned.

I am beginner in java and JSON.

  • but if you want it to return only the first data found in the array not to do something like for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) so just loop once and return only the first?

  • But I need the for to return me the other data.

  • 1

    Could you show the structure of this JSON? But if you only want the first item in the list try this way: Jsonobject js = jsonArray.getJSONObject(0);

  • But not for you are determining that the Object js receives jasonArray.getJSONObject(i) so if in yours is I’m just is (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) the value of I will only be 0 so picking up the first record found

  • I did this, but it exports the Excel file without a single data.

1 answer


What you need to do is change the code to get the municipio as a Jsonarray, and if you need to take only the first element, use the getJSONObject method, as the example below:

JSONObject js2 = js.getJSONObject("cliente").optJSONObject("enderecoList")

But it would still be better to bring each element at a time. Something like this:

JSONObject endList = js.getJSONObject("cliente").optJSONObject("enderecoList");
if(js != null) {
    JSONArray jsMunicipios = endList.getJSONArray("municipio");
    if(jsMunicipios.length() > 0) {
        JSONObject primeiroMunicipio = jsMunicipios.getJSONObject(0);
        // Imprime ou usa o primeiro Municipio aqui

Because this way you have more control over the code and debugging possible errors that can happen when reading JSON.

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