Problems with $.get and PHP


Viewed 44 times


Gelera, I’m hitting myself a little hard to figure out what’s going on with a code I put together. I have a loop that downloads files .csv from a server specific to my server. There are 9 files. After the downloads finish I need to delete the bases, perform the inserts again and delete the files, it seemed simple but some things are getting out of control.

At first the file "insert_delete.php" received the 3 loops of the 9 files, but it got lost and registered logs stating duplicate insertions and delete files. So I separated it into 3 files, it stopped happening.

An odd question is that when I directly run the file "insert_delete.php" everything happens inside the conforms, but when I run by script the base is going blank, as if the TRUNCATE happened after the foreach.

I think there’s something going on and I don’t see it.

Come on the mess I made:


//Contagem dos arquivos se houver mais que 8 arquivos realiza a solicitação de inserção, se não continua contando
function cont(){
        $.get("query/cont_arquivos.php", function( data ) {
            if(data < 9){
                    "Aguardando arquivos "+data
                $.get("insert_delete.php", function(){});
                $.get("insert_delete1.php", function(){
                $.get("insert_delete2.php", function(){});

                    "Inserindo nas bases... "


PHP(Insert delete)

include "conn.php";

$files1 = glob('nomedosarquivos*.csv'); // obten alguns arquivos da pasta

$sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE nomedatabela"; //apaga a base

  foreach($files1 as $file){ // loop dos 3 arquivos
    if (($base = fopen($file, "r")) !== FALSE) {
        $count = 0;
        $ok = 0;
        $erro = 0;
        while (($data = fgetcsv($base, 0, ";")) !== FALSE) {
            $data = array_map("utf8_encode", $data);
            $count++; //contar as linhas
            if ($count == 1) { continue; } //não inserir os titulos

            if ($data[0] == "") { break; } //sai do while se este campo estiver em branco

            //validações de campos

            $sql = "INSERT into nomedatabela (campos....) VALUES (dados..)";
                //somente conta as linhas que foram inseridas

                //conta os erros
                //executa o log informando qual erro e em qual linha aconteceu
        fclose ($base);
            //executa o log informando que o arquivo foi deletado
            //executa o log informando um erro ao deletar o arquivo
  • You are used asynchronous ajax ($.get) calls waiting for it to run on the server synchronously. Try to chain calls.

1 answer


You have tried using $.get(). done(). Always(). fail()?

From what I’ve seen, these methods would have to be called after the previous termination ....

  function cont() {
    setTimeout(function () {
        $.get("query/cont_arquivos.php", function (data) {
            if (data < 9) {
                    "Aguardando arquivos " + data
            } else {
                $.get("insert_delete.php", function () { })
                .done(function () {
                    $.get("insert_delete1.php", function () {
                    }).done(function () {
                        $.get("insert_delete2.php", function () {
                        }).done(function () {
                            $(".cont").html("Inserindo nas bases... ");
    }, 1000);
  • I think that’s right, it seems to me that the way I was performing $.get was more than one request to the file, resolved. Thank you very much.

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