I took some JPA booklets and read some tutorials on the internet, but I’m still a little lost with regards to disjunction and Conjunction in JPA.
From what I understood the conjunction serves to group conditions with the sql "AND", already the disjunction serves to group conditions with "OR". Am I right? The material I researched seems very confusing.
I then tried to make the criteria generate queries with the following pattern:
WHERE (condicao1 = valor1 AND condicao2 = valor2) or (condicao3=valor3 and condicao4=valor4)
However I did not succeed with my implementation:
EntityManager em = JPAUtil.getEntityManager();
// Instanciar o BUILDER de criteria
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
//Cria uma criteria query que trabalha com Conta
CriteriaQuery<Conta> cquery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Conta.class);
//Obter RAIZ da query que consulta da entidade CONTA
Root<Conta> root = cquery.from(Conta.class);
Path<String> titularPath = root.<String>get("titular");
Path<Integer> idPath = root.<Integer>get("id");
Path<String> numeroPath = root.<String>get("numero");
Path<String> bancoPath = root.<String>get("banco");
Predicate titularIgual = criteriaBuilder.like(titularPath, "M%");
Predicate idIgual = criteriaBuilder.equal(idPath, 1);
Predicate idDiferente = criteriaBuilder.equal(idPath, 500);
//Conjuncao1 seria (idDiferente AND titularIgual) ???
Predicate conjuncao1 = criteriaBuilder.conjunction();
conjuncao1 = criteriaBuilder.and(conjuncao1,idDiferente);
conjuncao1 = criteriaBuilder.and(conjuncao1,titularIgual);
//Conjunao2 seria (idIgual AND titularIgual) ???
Predicate conjuncao2 = criteriaBuilder.conjunction();
conjuncao2 = criteriaBuilder.and(conjuncao2,idIgual);
conjuncao2 = criteriaBuilder.and(conjuncao2,titularIgual);
//Se minha logica estiver correta entao a disjuncao das duas conjuncoes deveria ser
// (idDiferente AND titularIgual) or (idIgual AND titularIgual) Não?
Predicate disjuncao = criteriaBuilder.disjunction();
disjuncao = criteriaBuilder.or(conjuncao1,conjuncao2);
TypedQuery<Conta> tQuery = em.createQuery(cquery);
List<Conta> contas = tQuery.getResultList();
I did not understand the fact that Hibernate generated the query below:
and conta0_.id=500
and (
conta0_.titular like ?
or 1=1
and conta0_.id=1
and (
conta0_.titular like ?
This makes no sense in my understanding of Conjunction... I believe both conditions : "account. Id = 1 and account.holder = ?" should be out of parentheses or even both under the same parentage.
I got the whole Conjunction thing right?
Ok! But to finish... and if I wanted to make a compound condition with the Conjunction, could it be used for that ORDER? What would it be like?
– Cleiton Ribeiro
@If I understand your doubt correctly, what you want to know is: if you want a condition to be executed before the others and, for this to happen, it is necessary that there are parentheses in SQL, Hibernate will insert them? If so, the answer is yes. I edited my answer with an example.
– Felipe Marinho
Grateful, it was quite enlightening!
– Cleiton Ribeiro
Thank you, gentlemen! The examples helped a lot...
– Yuri