Division by zero into double = Infinity result


Viewed 996 times


I was learning about error handling in the Java language and did tests with the sample code of the class in question. In a test I added (double) in the final operation to make the result more accurate and noticed that after that, when I tried to divide any number "x" by "0", instead of the error "Arithmeticexception" I received an "Infinity" as a result.

Why does this happen? And why this only occurs for operations with floating point numbers (since, with the operation on integers, the error normally occurred)?

Follows the code:

Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
boolean continua = true;

        do {
            try {
                System.out.print("Numerador: ");
                int a = s.nextInt();
                System.out.print("Denominador: ");
                int b = s.nextInt();

                System.out.println("O resultado da divisão foi: " + (double) a / b);

                continua = false;
            catch (InputMismatchException e1) {
                System.err.println("Informe um número inteiro");
            catch (ArithmeticException e2) {
                System.err.println("Denominador deve ser diferente de zero");
        } while (continua);
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    No integer or real number can be divided by zero. This is not from programming logic, but from mathematics.

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1 answer


The float and double types implement the IEEE 754 standard, which defines that a division by zero should return a special value "infinite".

Launching Exception, as in int type, would violate this pattern.

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