getDate() from Javascript returning NULL


Viewed 74 times


    var data = new Date();
    var dia = document.querySelector('.table tbody tr > td');
    dia.textContent = data.getDate();

I have this function in Javascript. It always returns NULL. Why does this happen?

  • What is it that returns null?

  • as said in the answer checks if the "path" of the selector is correct

  • I solved the problem.... I was playing JS on top of HTML. That is: It would always be NULL because it read JS first. Sorry about the noobeira, guys. =

2 answers


I simulated your code here and it’s working normal. See if the dial isn’t wrong.

    var data = new Date();
    var dia = document.querySelector('.table tbody tr > td');
    dia.textContent = data.getDate();
<table class="table">
      <td>data vem aqui</td>


I updated your function to return Date inside an element with ID, but you can use querySelector if applicable:

$(function() {
    var data = new Date();
    var dia = document.querySelector('#aqui');
    var mes = data.getMonth()+1; // Janeiro é 0!
    if(mes < 10) mes = '0'+mes;
    var ano = data.getFullYear();
    dia.innerHTML = data.getDate() + '/' + mes + '/' + ano;
<script src=""></script>
<p id="aqui"></p>

  • Funny that I passed an id in td and still the querySelector returns null.

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