Redirect by href PHP


Viewed 271 times


I have a DAO class that contains all the methods to execute. But when the user enters his access, he makes a select of the bank bringing his customers.

Inside the while I put

My question is: how will I call the DAO class and the delete function it contains in it?

Example I’ve done and it didn’t work

echo "<td><a href='UsuarioDAO.php?excluir=$id'><button>Clique</button></td> </a>";

class UsuarioDAO(){

public function excluir(){
//codigo vem aqui


  • I think we need to get the value passed through the URL via get....

  • 1

    Another detail is that there is a syntax error in html....

1 answer


In the archive User.php, put something like this:

class UsuarioDAO(){

    public function excluir($id){
        //codigo vem aqui
        echo 'ID para excluir: '.$id;


Verifica o parâmetro recebido pela URL
$method = 'excluir';
if (isset($_GET[$method])) {
    $id = trim(strip_tags($_GET[$method]));

Instancia a classe e invoca o método se existir
$c = new UsuarioDAO;
if (method_exists($c, $method)) {
} else {
    echo 'Método não existe: '.$method;
  • I believe that the person who denied his answer did so because of this line: $method = 'delete'; Take that out which is a good answer. I gave a +1 for your willingness to help the guy and to counteract the negative vote although I would never make a link directly access the DAO. He should call a controller and he should call.

  • Reminding the author of the question that one should use a PDO Prepared statement or mysqli real escape string to clear the id variable and pass the id value to the sql query securely.

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