How to insert into mysql using foreach?


Viewed 937 times


Hello, I have a code where I take the data coming from a webservice and store in variables.

I would like to Inserir/Salvar that data in my database Mysql. However I get this data through a foreach(){...}

// Pegar os leads
    $leads = $client->leads->getLeads([]);

// Pegando os leads
    foreach($leads->contacts as $contacts)
        // Salvando dados nas variáveis
            $nome    = $contacts->name;
            $id      = $contacts->id;
            $tags    = $contacts->tags;

        // Percorrendo os dados
            foreach($tags->tags as $objeto)
                $tag  = $objeto->name;

agree with the above code. How I could insert this data so it would look like this in the table [example ] :


[01] [JOSÉ] [tag1,tag2,tag3..]

For if I create a query like this :

$query = mysqli_query($conexao,"INSERT INTO leads(nome,tags) VALUES ('$nome','$tag')";

each foreach(){..} would have a tag different and overwrite the value of tag previous.

  • 3

    Check there. There is no WHERE clause in Insert.

  • Oh my friend, truth I ended up getting confused with the If(){...} which checks whether the user exists with the ID if there is update or Insert a new one! Thanks for the remark!

  • $contacts->tags is an array?

3 answers


Instead of you going through the list of tags of each record, being an array, you can make them a unique object, in JSON format, and store them only at once for each record.

$leads = $client->leads->getLeads([]);

foreach($leads->contacts as $contacts)
    $nome    = $contacts->name;
    $id      = $contacts->id;
    $tags    = $contacts->tags;

    // Aqui você serializa o vetor de tags:
    $tags = json_encode($tags);

    // Agora execute a sua *query* de INSERT:
    $query = mysqli_query($conexao, "INSERT INTO leads(nome, tags) VALUES ('$nome', '$tags')");


This way, will be saved in the database tags in a format similar to [tag1, rag2, tag3...], with brackets. When retrieving the database data, simply run $tags = json_decode($tags) that you will possess the vector of tags again.

  • Hahaha perfect my friend @Anderson thank you so much for your reply!

  • 2

    mysqli_query != mysql_query


You can use the Implode

You can use the implode of php to merge tags and save to a field varchar.

$tags = implode(",", $contacts->tags);

If you need to Insert or Update can use a command INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE mysql. See an example in this matter of the OS (in English)


If $contacts->tags; for an array use implode:

$leads = $client->leads->getLeads([]);

foreach($leads->contacts as $contacts)
    $nome    = $contacts->name;
    $id      = $contacts->id;
    $tags    = implode(',', $contacts->tags);

    // Aqui você serializa o vetor de tags:
    $tags = json_encode($tags);

    // Agora execute a sua *query* de INSERT:
    $query = mysqli_query($conexao, "INSERT INTO leads(nome,tags) VALUES ('$nome','$tags')";


And when you’re reading from the bank explode, something like this:

explode(',', $row['tags']);

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