Hello I made a request system more would like to know how I can do to break the line after the commas . So when I print the order in the kitchen it comes as follows
Tambaqui rib : 1
Tabaqui Frito : 1
Fanta Orange : 1
Fanta Aran ja 2l : 1
and printing come more organized the application and next to quantities .
How could I do, I am grateful from now on .
<th >Comanda</th>
<th >N°Mesa</th>
<th >Refeição</th>
<th >Quantidade</th>
<th >Bebida</th>
<th >Quantidade</th>
<th >Data</th>
<th >Acão</th>
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($consulta)){
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td ">'.$row["id_pedido"].'</td>';
echo '<td ">'.$row["numero_mesa"].'</td>';
echo '<td >'.$row["pedido_refeicao"].'</td>';
echo '<td >'.$row["num_refeicao"].'</td>';
echo '<td >'.$row["pedido_bebida"].'</td>';
echo '<td >'.$row["num_bebida"].'</td>';
echo '<td >'.date("d/m/y H:i:s", strtotime($row["data"])).'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
<td><a href="form_alteracao.php?codigo=<?php echo $dado["usu_codigo"];?>">editar</a>
post the code that mounts the table
– MarceloBoni
@Marcelobonifazio I HAVE DONE
– allan araujo
vc not yet settled? see if this solves your problems http://kithomepage.com/sos/ped.php
– user60252