How to save user session by logging in using Java +Angularjs


Viewed 775 times


I was doing a search of how to save the user’s session after he was logged in to the system, I found several examples with cookies, however I am using java + Angularjs, and in the examples I found he used the jsp’s Post method, where it received 2 parameters the Answer and the request, and through the Answer it added the cookie, how can I save the user’s session?

2 answers


Use the ngStorage:

var meuApp = angular.module("meuApp", ["ngStorage"]);

meuApp.controller("LoginController", function($scope, $localStorage) {
    $scope.login = function() {
        $localStorage.usuario = "joao";

    $scope.ola = function() {
        $scope.mensagem = "Olá " + $localStorage.usuario;


Hello, which mvc framework are you using? If Spring is very simple, see the example:

public String salvarUsuarioNaSessao(@RequestParam Usuario usuario, HttpSession session){
// Seta na session
session.setAttribute("usuario", usuario);

//Recupera da session
Usuario usuarioNaSession = (Usuario) session.getAttribute("usuario");
return null;


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