Return a PDO query in an array


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How do I perform a query with PDO and return the results in a array.

Ex: I need to make a query that returns me 10 rows, each row has 3 columns


$equipe1 = $_POST['equipe1'];//Pega o Nome da equipe
$equipe2 = $_POST ['equipe2'];//Pega o Nome da equipe
$dificuldade = $_POST ['dificuldade'];//Define a dificuldade das perguntas      que seram selecionadas
$rodada = $_POST ['rodada'];//Número de perguntas que serão retornadas

echo $equipe1;
echo $equipe2;

switch ($dificuldade) {
  case '1':
   $dificuldade = "Facil";

  case '2':
   $dificuldade = "Medio";

  case '3':
   $dificuldade = "Dificil";

switch ($rodada) {
  case '1':
    $rodada = "10";
  case '2':
    $rodada = "15";
  case '3':
    $rodada = "20";

 $conexao = new PDO ("mysql:host=localhost; dbname=teocratico; charset=utf8","root","");
 } catch (PDOException $erro){
   echo $erro->getmessage();
   //header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);

$consulta = $conexao -> query ("SELECT id_pergunta, pergunta, resposta, desafio FROM perguntas 
where dificuldade ='$dificuldade' LIMIT $rodada ORDER BY RAND()

// Vamos imprimir os nossos resultados
  while($row = $consulta->fetch()) {
      echo $row['id_pergunta']. ' - '. $row['pergunta'] . ' - ' .    $row['resposta'] . ''. $row ['desafio'];

  • I did not understand very well what you want.. What you want different from what you are now?

  • What’s the problem with the code?

1 answer


I’m not sure if it’s duplicate...

You can do the following:

// Cria conexão com o banco de dados
$db = new PDO("mysql:host=".dbhost.";dbname=".dbschema.";charset=utf8;", dbuser, dbpassword);
// Seta atributos para gerar erros caso ocorra alguma exceção
$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
// Faz a consulta
$sql = "Sua consulta SQL";
$query = $db->query($sql);
// O segredo esta nesta linha abaixo \/
$return = $query->fetch();

There are 4 directives from fetch that personally I find interesting to use in a consultation:

$query->fetch(); // It returns only one element of the query, I believe the first... If the query has more than one element, the others are ignored

$query->fetchAll(); // Returns all elements of the query

And you can still pass as parameter:

$query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // Returns an element of the type array, which can be accessed like this: $query["element"]

$query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); // Returns an element of the type object, which can be accessed like this: $query->element

There are still many other directives that can be accessed here

So if you have for example the following table:

|   Nome        |   Email                   |   Sexo    |
|   Joaozinho   |   joao@joao.joao          |   H       |
|   Mariazinha  |   maria@maria.maria       |   M       |
|   Carlinhos   |   carlos@carlos.carlos    |   H       |

To achieve the goal of displaying all the elements you could do:

$return = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
foreach ($return as &$value) {
    echo "Nome: ".$value['nome']." Email: ".$value['email']." Sexo: ".$value['sexo'];
  • Query does not run, I tested it directly in the database and it worked.

  • while($Row = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo $Row['id_question']. ' - '. $Row['question'] . ' - ' . $Row['answer'] . '. $Row ['challenge']; }

  • But when I do in PHP it doesn’t work. it from Undefined index: in array.

  • Note that the mode you are running is different from my answer rs in which array it from Undefined index?

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