Random background images with Angularjs


Viewed 93 times


I am using Angularjs with Ionic to make an application. On a given screen, I need to display a random image. I searched a lot here and on the internet a way to do this, but only managed with normal JS, without being in Angular and I have some doubts of how to "transform" to use in Angular.

var backgrounds = ['',


2 answers


You can use the Angular ng-style attribute to apply directly, for example like this:

<div ng-style="exemplo"></div>

And then on the controller you use it like this:

$scope.exemplo = {'background' :'url('+backgrounds[Math.random()*10]+')'}


It is possible with angular element., delegating an embedded Angular subset of jQuery, called jQuery lite or jqLite.

  • Ohh my god! Downvote anonymous! :)

  • The downvote was not mine, but I can deduce that the reason was because his answer was in jQuery, while the OP clearly specified Angularjs.

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