How to Insert Taking Data from FORM in Laravel 5.2?


Viewed 2,598 times


I’m looking at the Laravel documentation on dbquery, in the Insert case. I need to do Insert outside of the Resource method (manually.


    ['email' => '[email protected]', 'votes' => 0]

But I need to get the data from a form. How do I do this? I didn’t see it in the documentation.

2 answers


You need to point your form to the route where the destination is the function you will be entering, for example;

Your form:

<form method="post" action="{{ route('cadastro/novo') }}">

Your Route:

Route::post('cadastro/novo', 'UsuariosController@create');

No Controller UsuariosController you can use the class User to manipulate BD data because every model is linked to a table in the MAS database in the plural, for example;

model user -> table users

model cat -> table cats

use App\User;

class UsuarioController extends Controller {

// A função Request tera todos os dados enviados via post.
public function create(Request $request) {

    // Pega os dados enviado atraves do POST exceto o input _token 
    // que é enviado por padrão atraves do form.
    $dados = $request->except('_token');

    // A inserção acontece aqui...

To search the database you can continue using the model you want because it already has several methods to facilitate manipulation.

$user = User::find(1); // Busca o usuario com o ID 1
$user = User::where('nome', 'oNome'); // Busca o usuario onde o campo "nome" seja "oNome".

In the case of udpate you can do;

User::where('id', 999)->update(['sobrenome' => 'novoSobreNome']);
// Buscara e atualizara o usuário com ID 999 substituindo o campo sobrenome com "novoSobreNome"


$user = User::where('id', 999);
$user->idade += 1;

You can consult all available methods accessing the page of Eloquent of the Laravel.

  • But one of the fields is a code and I need to add 1 to this code before giving the Insert. How could I do this?

  • All models have methods to search for information such as where, then you first need to fetch the data you want in the database to perform the update and/or send the update directly.

  • 1

    I am already playing from the form action to the function below in the controller and it worked/; public Function writOrdem() { $major code = DB::table('ordemservicos')->max('code'); $major code = $major code + 1; Return $major code;

  • This is where you want Mysql itself already does when placing the column auto_increment.

  • @Marcosbirro yes, this way also works, see the change I made.

  • The field cannot be autoincrement. I already have the ID as the Prim and autoincrement key. I need to do it manually but by example with the model I believe it will work because I will take field by field and I can add one to the code (Which is not primary Heart).

  • I tested and is giving an error in $request.

  • Errorexception in Ordemservicocontroller.php line 293: Undefined variable: request

  • But it is stated?:

  • class Ordemservicocontroller extends Controller { protected $request; public Function __Construct(Request $request) { $this->request = $request; }

  • you do not need to define the object of Request´ como atributo da classe, use apenas como $request->`

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$model = new Model;
$model->nome = $request->get('nome'); // Vem do Form
$model->email = $request->get('email'); // Vem do Form
$model->telefone = $request->get('telefone'); // Vem do Form

  • 1

    Now I get it. I’ll test it but this is what you need to know. Thanks.

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