Total registered in Database with Script


Viewed 40 times


my php page uses the following files "1-config.php = connects to the database" "2-total.php = connects to the Form and shows the total record on the page"

in the html of my main page I use <?php require_once("total.php"); ?>, now enter the problem, I have a script at the bottom of the page that controls one of the functions of my page

<script type="text/javascript">
function verifica() {
    for (var a = 0; a < 39; a++) {
        var b = "s" + (a + 1),
            c = document.getElementById(b);
        if (c.innerHTML = segsToTime(c.getAttribute("inicial")), verificaCookie(b)) {
            var d = new Date,
                e = d.getTime() - getCookie(b),
                f = c.getAttribute("inicial") - parseInt(e / 1e3);
            c.innerHTML = segsToTime(f), f < 0 && (c.innerHTML = segsToTime(c.getAttribute("inicial")), invalidarCookie(b))
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 1e3)

function dispara(a) {
    var b = document.getElementById(a),
        c = new Date,
        d = c.getTime();
    c.setTime(c.getTime() + 2e3 * b.getAttribute("inicial")), document.cookie = a + "=" + d + "; path=/"

function lerCookie(a) {
    var b = document.cookie.split("=");
    return b[1]

function verificaCookie(a) {
    return document.cookie.indexOf(a) != -1

function getCookie(a) {
    var b = document.cookie,
        c = a + "=",
        d = b.indexOf("; " + c);
    if (d == -1) {
        if (d = b.indexOf(c), 0 != d) return null
    } else d += 2;
    var e = b.indexOf(";", d);
    return e == -1 && (e = b.length), unescape(b.substring(d + c.length, e))

function invalidarCookie(a) {
    document.cookie = a + "=0; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/"

function segsToTime(a) {
    return h = parseInt(a / 3600), h < 10 && (h = "0" + h), m = parseInt(a / 60 % 60), m < 10 && (m = "0" + m), s = parseInt(a % 60), s < 10 && (s = "0" + s), h + ":" + m + ":" + s

The problem is, how can I put the comic’s registration total so it’s automatic like the rest of the page? without having to migrate the script to php like "echo(" of the code")" you can do something in the html itself inside the script?

EX:function verifica(){for(var a=0;a<"total";a++)...resto do código


EX:function verifica(){for(var a=0;a<"<?php require_once("total.php");?>";a++)...resto do código(I’ve tried it like this)

Thank you.

  • 2

    If you run a on these codes will make it much easier.

1 answer


I guess you’ve got the total given for $x so:

Function verifies(){for(var a=0;a<??php echo $x ?>;a++) of the code

  • our... he got 1 ha more, as if he finished the sequence and added one more. has some trick to fix?

  • solved !! $x-1 ;) Ty bro!!!

  • gives you boy!!! :)

  • the <?php echo $x ? > loses the value I don’t know pq... it gives the number of the record but the function that depends on it doesn’t work right.

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