Is it possible to have Java SE and Java EE on the same machine?


Viewed 310 times


I can install Java SE and Java EE on the same machine?

  • 7

    Yes, it can. Actually Java EE is Java SE with a few more libraries. It’s done something so far?

  • I removed irrelevant information from the question. If you have comments, do it in the correct fields (these here, under the question, before the space for the answers). It would be good to clarify if you tried and gave some error/problem, or at least describe which of the two you have already installed, so the answers and/or comments can give a more specific guidance if there is some care or observation needed when installing.

1 answer


Java EE is an extension for Java SE.

For example, the Java Standard Edition includes the API called JDBC for database access. The Java Enterprise Edition includes the API called JPA for object-relational mapping, which in turn uses the JDBC to access the database.

Java SE Apis are generally already available when you install Java on your machine. Java EE Apis, in general, need to be included separately. Some Java EE Apis are made available by Oracle itself, which maintains Java, but most have alternative implementations that may be superior in quality or performance. Application Servers like Jboss/Wildfly, Glassfish, Websphere, Weblogic are examples of Java EE servers where you can install your application and use Java EE features.

Therefore, whenever you run something using Java EE, directly or using some Application Server that implements your Apis, you already automatically have Java SE available.

Also, on the same machine, you can have a Java process (JVM or Java Virtual Machine) running only Java SE and another process that includes in classpath the Java EE libraries.

  • 1

    I already have Java SE installed, I can simply install EE?

  • 1

    @user59673 Are you talking about installing an application server, such as glassfish? Or are you confusing JRE and JDK with JSE and JEE?

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