Show inputs by clicking "Include"


Viewed 48 times


I have a div called "product", inside it at the beginning I have 4 inputs text:

<input type="text" name="produto"> <input type="text" name="quantidade"> <input type="text" name="valor"> <input type="text" name="subtotal"> <input type="submit" value"Incluir">

I want that when clicking on "Include" appears 5 more inputs inside this div:

<input type="text" name="codigo_produto"> <input type="text" name="ean"> <input type="text" name="un_medida"> <input type="text" name="descricao"> <input type="text" name="tributos">

Note: Just to comment,that I can’t use ID because I’m using the function that clones the div in jquery.


  • You can’t use it id="produto[]" ?

  • Define a class of type inputHidden with display: None, add this class to these inputs, create an inputShow with display: block, when Voce wants to show the input Voce just adds inpitShow with js for all elements with inputHidden

  • "appear 5 more inputs", what’s the problem with jQuery append? Or you just want to display some hidden entries?

2 answers


I think that would be what you need, I made the example below see if it meets you.

Summary of the code: The inputs that you want to appear after clicking include, added the css class: scoped like this: hidden class="".

I created the class in css: *Note if you use Bootstrap you can replace the hidden class with Hidden which has the same function.

.hidden{ display:None; }

I added the method to the button with the click event (Can be used in other system calls ai vai from you ) Used Jquery, the method removes all classes:Hidden from all inputs that have it, Causing inputs to appear

I hope he answers you.

$("input[type='submit']").click(function() {
  display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="produto">
<input type="text" name="produto"> <input type="text" name="quantidade"> <input type="text" name="valor"> <input type="text" name="subtotal"> <input type="submit" value"Incluir">
 <!-- Campos que ficarao escondidos -->
<input type="text" class="escondido" name="codigo_produto"> <input type="text" class="escondido" name="ean"> <input class="escondido" type="text" name="un_medida"> <input type="text" class="escondido" name="descricao"> <input type="text" class="escondido" name="tributos">

  • That’s right, it worked, I hadn’t thought of that logic, it worked right.. Thanks, buddy. Thank you very much!


 $("form").submit(function(e) { { 

  for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
     $('#produto').append('<div><input type="text" name="input_' + i + '"></div>');
  • Could explain what this code does and why it works, briefly?

  • it simply adds the amount of inputs on the screen to submit the form.

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