Two-dimensional array in Ruby


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I have the two-dimensional array

a = [[1,'a'],[1,'b'],[2,'c'],[2,'d'],[3,'e'],[3,'f'],[4,'g'],[4,'h']] 

and I want to separate the letters in another array b so that it looks like this:

[["a","b"], ["c", "d"], ["e", "f"], ["g", "h"]] 

Where content each index of the new array(Ex: ["a", "b"] matches the first item of the array to (a[0][0] and a[1][0]...etc), I did this to try to resolve the issue:

  • first created the two-dimensional array

    for i in (1..4)
      b[i] =
  • then the code

    c = 0
    x = 0
    a.each do |k|
      if  k[0] == a[x+1][0]
        b[k[0]][c] = k[1]
        c += 1
        x += 1
        b[k[0]][c] = k[1]
        c = 0

The problem is the index 'c' from the third index of array b, is going to index 2 and the next progressing 4 is coming out like this...

[nil, ["a", "b"], ["c", "d"], [nil, nil, "e", "f"], [nil, nil, nil, nil, "g", "h"]]

I think it might be a simple thing on this index, but I’m already mixing things up.

2 answers


Try to use less index manipulation, which makes code confusing. Ruby usually allows this.

The code below creates elements in b for each index found in the elements of a. Then add to this element in b the elements found in a for that index.

a = [[1,'a'],[1,'b'],[2,'c'],[2,'d'],[3,'e'],[3,'f'],[4,'g'],[4,'h']] 
b =
a.each do |k|
  b[k[0]] ||=
  b[k[0]] << k[1]
b # => [nil, ["a", "b"], ["c", "d"], ["e", "f"], ["g", "h"]]
  • 1

    Wow, very good Guigs, practical solution d+, thank you very much. To get to a place we have several paths, but I was trying a difficult path, so I did not arrive, I’m learning Ruby and it makes me more passionate about this language.


The beautiful thing about Ruby is that almost all these types of processing can be written in one line, without using loops directly. It’s like working with a functional language. Note:

a = [[1,'a'],[1,'b'],[2,'c'],[2,'d'],[3,'e'],[3,'f'],[4,'g'],[4,'h']]
result = a.inject([]) {|r, k| r[k[0]] ||= []; r[k[0]] << k[1]; r }

Inject serves to build a value iteratively. You pass the value as argument and, at each iteration, receive the current value and an argument and return the next value. A little more explained:

result = a.inject([]) do |temp, element|
   index, value = element
   temp[index] ||= []
   temp[index] << value

You can use the inject! also to apply the modification inplace.

  • No wonder I love this language, various ways to get a result, this so of inject is ninja.

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