Remote server/local server in PHP


Viewed 849 times


One of the options to create a local web server is to use XAMPP (PHP, SQL). On a web server, I have to install XAMPP (or any similar suite) as well or it is only used on local servers?

  • On the (shared) hosting server you already have a php and mysql version installed, stay tuned for the version of both to avoid problems with obsolete functions, different settings etc.

  • It depends on where you go up your application. Companies today offer you the option to manage your own server (therefore, your option to install XAMPP or any set of applications to turn it into a web server) or something already preconfigured. If you have questions, I suggest using the option of some Webhost already configured because the configuration involves security technical issues and performance optimization as well.

  • Where exactly will you stay?

  • 1

    Remember that if your development environment is the same as your production environment, it will make things much easier when debugging an error... sometimes a small difference in configuration can take a long time until you figure out what it is.

  • @Kenny Rafael has not yet chosen the server I will host.

3 answers


Hosting servers offer the environment already configured.
No need to install Apache, PHP, Mysql, among others.

Check with your hosting provider for the features offered. As each company has its own business policy.

When you open an account with a hosting provider, you will receive an FTP account. By FTP you can upload your PHP scripts, images, css, js, etc to this online server (hosting).


XAMPP is an application that offers a set of features:

X - It means that it is multiplatform.

A - Apache (Server acting under HTTP protocol)

M - Mariadb(Emerged from Mysql, Database)


P - PERL(Originally PHP was written from a set of PERL scripts)

So if you’re going to build a server you don’t need XAMPP, you need a server that acts under the HTTP protocol, a database, a scripting language, a file transfer server (FTP) and a DNS server...

As @Danielomine said, if you are going to hire a hosting, they already offer the whole set (including admin panel) for various platforms... But if you’re gonna ride one of your own, you’re gonna need a IP fixo, and configure your machine as it suits you.

Why I don’t need an HTML, CSS, Javascript server ?

Because the browser solves this for you...

Why most servers in the world are on the Linux platform and not Windows?

Why it’s free, among other details !!!!


One shared hosting already comes by default set up for you to just upload your site without worrying about setting up. The downside is that it works based on one or more servers, which host the files of several users simultaneously. So a site with a lot of traffic would not be recommended for this type of hosting.

On a Virtual Server (VPS) or Dedicated Server you have greater control of applications. Some already come with some pre installations. But you can install the service you like best, such as XAMPP, WAMPP.

As your question answered, in a (majority) hosting, you have no way to install XAMPP or similar, only in a VPS or dedicated/cloud.

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