How to calculate the dimensions of an element svg
consistently across browsers? In fact the only one not to respond consistently is Firefox.
It would be interesting to understand the reason for the disparities in getBoundingClientRect
in different browsers also.
I tried to compare the results using getBoundingClientRect
and getComputedStyle
. The getComputedStyle
is consistent but does not exist in IE8.
var svg = document.querySelector('svg');
var gBCR = svg.getBoundingClientRect().width;
var bBox = svg.getBBox().width;
var gCS = window.getComputedStyle(svg, null).width;
console.log('gBCR: ' + Math.round(gBCR) + ' - gCS: ' + gCS + ' - bBox: ' + Math.round(bBox));
// Resultados:
// Firefox: gBCR: 142 - gCS: 400px - bBox: 363
// Chrome: gBCR: 400 - gCS: 400px - bBox: 363
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" height="200px">
<title>HTML5 Logo</title>
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<path d="M108.382,0h23.077v22.8h21.11V0h23.078v69.044H152.57v-23.12h-21.11v23.12h-23.077V0z" />
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<polygon fill="#FFFFFF" points="255.843,268.217 255.843,313.627 311.761,313.627 306.49,372.521 255.843,386.191 255.843,433.435 348.937,407.634 349.62,399.962 360.291,280.411 361.399,268.217 349.162,268.217" />
<polygon fill="#FFFFFF" points="255.843,176.305 255.843,204.509 255.843,221.605 255.843,221.716 365.385,221.716 365.385,221.716 365.531,221.716 366.442,211.509 368.511,188.488 369.597,176.305" />
Cross-post in the OS: https://stackoverflow.com/q/23731026/2256325