How to open the Razorpdf report in a separate tab


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How do I export a PDF report with Razorpdf at a separate guide ?
The report opens in the same system tab, I mean there’s only one guide and if I want to access the system I have to click on back button of browser.
I followed this post here: How to export an HTML/C#(Razor) page to PDF?

1 answer


The problem in question has nothing to do with geração-de-pdf, or with the RazorPDF.

what you need is to open a link in another tab, for such you can set the targetof his tag <a /> for _blank.


<a href='@Url.Action("action", "controle", params)' target='_blank' >Relatorio</a>

Razor Engine

@Html.ActionLink("Relatorio", "action", "controle", params, new { @target = "_blank" })

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